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ID Title Published
4H04 4-H Club Meeting Report (2 pp.) 4/1/2004
4H103 New Jersey 4-H Event Release/Agreement Form for Adults (2 pp.) 12/14/2021
4H104 4-H Event Permission Form for Youth (2 pp.) 12/14/2021
4H205 New Jersey 4-H Group Enrollment Form (2 pp.) 3/31/2004
4H206 New Jersey 4-H Honor Club Criteria and Application (2 pp.) 5/29/2007
4H221 Evaluating Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks (1 p.) 3/31/2003
4H222 How to Judge Public Presentations (1 p.) 3/31/2003
4H223 Public Presentations Information Sheet (1 p.) 3/31/2003
4H232 New Jersey 4-H Independent Project Application (2 pp.) 10/16/1997
4H233 Judge's Score Sheet for Demonstrations & Illustrated Talks (2 pp.) 4/26/2006
4H234 Judge's Score Sheet for Formal Speeches (2 pp.) 4/26/2006
4H235 Judge's Score Sheet for Performing Arts (2 pp.) 4/26/2006
4H239 My 4-H Record Book: A General-Purpose Record Book (16 pp.) 9/24/2003
4H239E My 4-H Record Book: A General-Purpose E-Record Book (16 pp.) 9/24/2003
4H241 My 4-H Rabbit, Cavy and Small Animal Project Record Book (24 pp.) 9/1/2002
4H241E My 4-H Rabbit, Cavy and Small Animal Project E-Record Book (24 pp.) 9/1/2002
4H242 My 4-H Dog Care and Training Project Record Book (28 pp.) 10/1/2002
4H242E My 4-H Dog Care and Training Project E-Record Book (28 pp.) 10/1/2002
4H243 My 4-H Herpetology Project Record Book (24 pp.) 10/1/2002
4H243E My 4-H Herpetology Project E-Record Book (24 pp.) 10/1/2002
4H244 My 4-H Model Horse Project Record Book (26 pp.) 10/1/2002
4H244E My 4-H Model Horse Project E-Record Book (26 pp.) 10/1/2002
4H245 My 4-H Goat Project Record Book (29 pp.) 11/19/2004
4h245E My 4-H Goat Project E-Record Book (31 pp.) 7/5/2011
4H246 My 4-H Sheep Project Record Book (30 pp.) 8/5/2004
4H252 My 4-H Dairy Project Record Book (20 pp.) 2/1/2011
4H253 New Jersey 4-H Market Lamb Project Handbook (14 pp.) 12/1/2002
4H254 4-H Advisory Groups: The Basics (2 pp.) 2/11/2004
4H255 4-H Advisory Group Position Descriptions (2 pp.) 2/11/2004
4H256 Engaging Youth in 4-H Advisory Groups (2 pp.) 2/11/2004
4H257 Effective 4-H Advisory Groups...A Checklist for Success (2 pp.) 2/11/2004
4H258 4-H Advisory Committee & Volunteer Roles in 4-H Curriculum Development (2 pp.) 10/10/2003
4H259 New Jersey 4-H Club Treasurer Record Book (36 pp.) 10/1/2017
4H259E New Jersey 4-H Club Treasurer E-Record Book (36 pp.) 10/1/2017
4H260 Family Memory Book (17 pp.) 7/1/2003
4H261 Family Memory Book User (4 pp.) 7/1/2003
4H262 My 4-H Clothing & Textiles Project Record Book (24 pp.) 9/24/2003
4H262E My 4-H Clothing & Textiles Project E-Record Book (24 pp.) 9/24/2003
4H263 My 4-H Bird & Poultry Project Record Book (34 pp.) 1/1/2011
4H263E My 4-H Bird & Poultry Project E-Record Book (34 pp.) 1/1/2011
4H264 My 4-H Swine Project Record Book (28 pp.) 9/28/2004
4H266 NJ 4-H Club Secretary's Book (12 pp.) 1/1/2009
4H266E NJ 4-H Club Secretary's E-Book (12 pp.) 1/1/2009
4H267 My 4-H Seeing Eye Puppy Project Record Book (2008 Trial Version) (16 pp.) 5/12/2008
4H268 My 4-H Food and Nutrition Project Record Book (33 pp.) 1/1/2009
4H268E My 4-H Food and Nutrition Project E-Record Book (33 pp.) 1/1/2009
4H269 New Jersey 4-H Teen Leadership Project (12 pp.) 1/1/2009
4H270 Cloverbud Activity Guide (88 pp.) 6/1/2013
4H52 My 4-H Horse Project Record Book (38 pp.) 1/2/2019
4H52E My 4-H Horse Project E-Record Book 1/2/2019
AGRS-13D Mid-Atlantic Field Crop Weed Management Guide, 2020 (258 pp.) 1/24/2020
AGRS-97 The Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide for Commercial Growers (273 pp.) 1/1/2013
BU-07914 Science Discovery Series, Volume 1: Lesson Plans for Grades 3-6 (71 pp.) 7/1/1998
BU-07915 Science Discovery Series, Volume 2: Lesson Plans for Grades 4-7 (202 pp.) 4/23/2001
CPA000CORE Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Core (141 pp.) 1/1/2009
CPA000DEAL Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Pesticide Dealer (19 pp.) 3/1/1996
CPA000PRIV Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Private (198 pp.) 8/13/2013
CPA001B Pest Management Principles for the Pesticide Applicator: Category 1B - Agricultural Animal Pest Control (111 pp.) 3/1/1999
CPA002 Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Category 2 - Forest Pest Control (129 pp.) 1/1/2008
CPA003ABC Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Category 3ABC - Ornamental, Turf and Interior Plantscape Pest Control (202 pp.) 1/3/2006
CPA005 Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Category 5 - Aquatic Pest Control (35 pp.) 10/1/2011
CPA007A Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Category 7A - General and Household Pest Control (94 pp.) 1/1/2010
CPA007B Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Category 7B - Termites and Other Wood Destroying Insects Pest Control (82 pp.) 1/1/2014
CPA007C Pesticide Applicator Training Textbook: Category 7C - Fumigation (85 pp.) 7/1/1997
CPA007F Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Category 7F - Certification Training for Safe Handling and Use of Antifouling Paints Containing Tributylin (TBT) (51 pp.) 3/1/1991
CPA008A Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Category 8A - General Public Health Pest Control (64 pp.) 10/1/1997
CPA008B Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Category 8B - Mosquito Pest Control (34 pp.) 1/1/2010
CPA008E Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Category 8E - Sewerline Chemical Root Control With Emphasis on Foaming Methods Using Metam-Sodium & Dichlobenil (93 pp.) 9/1/1995
CPA008F Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Category 8F - Pet Grooming Pest Control (52 pp.) 8/13/2012
CPA012AB Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Category 12AB - Gaseous Antimicrobial Pest Control (103 pp.) 9/1/1994
CPA013 Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Categoy 13 - Integrated Pest Management in Schools (115 pp.) 5/27/2008
E001 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations, 2024/2025 (486 pp.) 2/16/2024
E001-F FRAC - Fungicide Resistance Management Guidelines for Vegetable Crops - Mid-Atlantic Region, 2019 (41 pp.) 6/5/2019
E002 2023/2024 New Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide (303 pp.) 6/14/2023
E014 Pest Management for Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers on Homegrounds (50 pp.) 6/12/2006
E036 Disease Control Recommendations for Ornamental Crops, 2012 (158 pp.) 6/26/2012
E041a New Jersey Soybean Variety Trial Test Results, 2005 (5 pp.) 4/5/2006
E041b New Jersey Soybean Variety Trial Test Results, 2006 (5 pp.) 2/20/2007
E134 Farm Income Expense Record (Cash Basis) with Income Tax Headings (52 pp.) 10/28/1996
E148 New Jersey 4-H Leader Training Series - Fourth Edition (189 pp.) 1/29/2010
E160 Common Springtime Diseases of Woody Ornamentals in the Landscape (6 pp.) 1/1/1992
E189 A Guide to Early-Season Corn Insect Injury in New Jersey (8 pp.) 5/1/1995
E197E New Jersey Wheat Variety Trial Test Results, 2001 (6 pp.) 7/24/2001
E215 Local Noise Enforcement Options and Model Noise Ordinance (16 pp.) 8/26/1997
E216 Income Distribution Comparison of Farms with Innovative Activities: A Probabilistic Approach (27 pp.) 1/27/1998
E221 Creating a Master Plan for Greenhouse Operations (8 pp.) 6/2/2005
E223 NJ 4-H Serie de Entrenamiento Para Lideres (44 pp.) 10/1/1998
E228 Guidelines for the Land Applications of Sewage Sludge for New Jersey Agriculture (50 pp.) 4/26/2000
E232 Technical and Cost-share Assistance Programs for New Jersey's Forest Landowners (6 pp.) 1/1/2001
E234 Turkey Talk: Answers to Your Thanksgiving Food Safety Questions! 10/17/2024
E263 Food Allergies (8 pp.) 2/1/2001
E265 2024 Commercial Blueberry Pest Control Recommendations for New Jersey (44 pp.) 3/21/2024
E269 Healing Herbs: Safety and Effectiveness (CD) 1/7/2002
E271 Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance (6 pp.) 4/25/2003
E272 Weed Management in Ornamental Plantings (8 pp.) 12/1/2001
E273 Garden Crop and Soil Response to a Commercial Water-Soluble Fertilizer (8 pp.) 2/1/2002
E275 Principles of Evaluating Greenhouse Aerial Environments: Part 1 of 3 (4 pp.) 2/1/2002
E276 Instruments for Monitoring the Greenhouse Aerial Environment: Part 2 of 3 (12 pp.) 2/1/2002
E277 Evaluating Greenhouse Mechanical Ventilation System Performance - Part 3 of 3 (8 pp.) 12/1/2002
E278 Best Management Practices for Irrigating Golf Course Turf (12 pp.) 5/1/2002
E279 Greensand and Greensand Soils of New Jersey: A Review (39 pp.) 1/1/2003
E280 Record Keeping for Shellfish Aquaculture (8 pp.) 3/1/2003
E281 Guidelines for Land Application of Non-Traditional Organic Wastes (Food Processing By-Products and Municipal Yard Wastes) on Farmlands in New Jersey (36 pp.) 9/3/2003
E282 Choosing the Simply Beautiful Life (6 pp.) 10/21/2003
E283 Commercial Grape Pest Control Recommendations for New Jersey, 2019 (38 pp.) 4/30/2019
E284 Using Experimental Designs for Program Evaluation (8 pp.) 10/17/2003
E285 Soil Nitrate Testing as a Guide to Nitrogen Management for Vegetable Crops (6 pp.) 8/1/2003
E286 Advance Directives for Health Care (6 pp.) 11/13/2003
E287 Phosphorus in Effluents from Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Aquaculture (6 pp.) 12/12/2003
E291 Feeding Nitrate-Containing Forages 7/27/2024
E296 Agricultural Management Practices for Commercial Equine Operations 9/20/2024
E299 Pest and Pesticide Management Practices in Nursery Operations (7 pp.) 4/8/2005
E300 Turfgrass Establishment Procedures for Sports Fields (9 pp.) 8/30/2005
E301 Treatment of Equine Facilities in State Programs Designed to Protect Agriculture (8 pp.) 9/15/2005
E302 Irrigation Management Options for Containerized-Grown Nursery Crops (8 pp.) 7/14/2005
E303 Nutrients and Nutrient Management for Containerized Nursery Crops (10 pp.) 7/27/2005
E304 Family Camp (70 pp.) 8/17/2005
E305 The Equine Hay Market (13 pp.) 11/3/2005
E306 Manure Sampling & Analysis (6 pp.) 2/14/2006
E307 Best Management Practices for Horse Manure Composting on Small Farms (9 pp.) 6/9/2006
E308 2024 Commercial Cranberry Pest Control Recommendations for New Jersey (17 pp.) 3/20/2024
E309 Landscape and Ornamental Plant Stress: Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Management (6 pp.) 4/6/2006
E310 Diagnosing and Managing Important Cucurbit Diseases in the Home Garden 6/16/2020
E311 Guidelines for Starting a Horticultural Therapy Program by Partnering with Volunteers (36 pp.) 12/15/2006
E312 Nutrient Management for Horse Pastures (10 pp.) 5/29/2007
E316 Bramble (Raspberries & Blackberries) Weed Control Recommendations for New Jersey, 2007 (21 pp.) 4/19/2007
E317 Guidelines for Application of Sewage Biosolids to Agricultural Lands in the Northeastern U.S. (36 pp.) 6/1/2007
E318 New Jersey Sorghum Variety Trial 2006 (2 pp.) 9/14/2007
E320 Fundamental Finance for Farmstands (39 pp.) 7/11/2008
E321 Soil Fertility Recommendations for Alfalfa (8 pp.) 6/5/2009
E323 Soil Fertility Recommendations for Soybean (6 pp.) 7/14/2009
E324 Bentgrass Cultivars for Golf Course Turf (7 pp.) 7/24/2009
E326 Rain Garden Installation Services Directory for New Jersey (12 pp.) 8/13/2010
E327 Best Management Practices for Nutrient Management of Turf in New Jersey (5 pp.) 11/4/2009
E329 Rain Barrels Part I: How to Build a Rain Barrel (5 pp.) 3/9/2010
E330 Stormwater Management in Your Backyard - Rain Garden Outreach Manual 3/1/2011
E331 Switchgrass Bioenergy Budgets (9 pp.) 1/7/2011
E332 The Economic Importance of New Jersey's Food System: A 2010 Update (6 pp.) 2/7/2011
E333 The Economic Contributions of Agritourism in New Jersey (5 pp.) 3/23/2011
E334 Insect Control Recommendations for Shade Trees and Commercial Nursery Crops, 2011 (19 pp.) 3/9/2011
E337 Marketing 101 For Your Agritourism Business (6 pp.) 4/27/2011
E338 Soils and Stormwater Management: Soil Quality, Compaction, and Residential Development (6 pp.) 10/5/2011
E340 Home Storage of Foods: Refrigerator and Freezer Storage 4/2/2020
E341 Landscaping for Water Conservation (30 pp.) 9/11/2012
E342 Safe Soil: A Healthier Way to Garden (17 pp.) 4/7/2013
E342SP Tierra Inocua: Una Forma Saludable Para la Jardinería (17 pp.) 4/7/2013
E343 Budgeting for a Corn Maze 5/17/2013
E345 Living with Black Bears in New Jersey (5 pp.) 9/13/2013
E346a Rutgers River Friendly Business Program Morris County Program Overview (5 pp.) 1/9/2014
E346b Rutgers River Friendly Business Program Morris County Program Guidance (30 pp.) 3/14/2014
E347 Livestock Mortality and Butcher Waste Composting: Rutgers Recommended Practices (7 pp.) 2/1/2015
E348 Starting a School Garden (6 pp.) 7/23/2014
E349 Saltwater Flooding and Your Garden (6 pp.) 6/25/2015
E350 Food Safety, Soil, and Water Testing Recommendations for School and Community Gardens (6 pp.) 3/11/2015
E351 Farm Animal Dentition - What Teeth Can Tell You (8 pp.) 11/15/2017
E352 Pond and Lake Management Part VII: Aquatic Invasive Species: Hydrilla (6 pp.) 12/21/2015
E353 Recommended Guidelines for Domestic Livestock in Residential Areas 9/22/2020
E354 Management of Natural Turf Sports Fields (9 pp.) 8/19/2016
E355 The Economic Importance of New Jersey's Food System in 2012 (5 pp.) 6/3/2016
E356 Community Vegetable Garden Development Worksheet - Planning for Success (7 pp.) 5/4/2017
E357 Organic Land Care Best Management Practices Manual (27 pp.) 4/26/2017
E358 Respiratory Protection for Occupational Users of Pesticides (27 pp.) 3/30/2018
E359 Think Twice, Plant Once: Does a Tree Fruit Orchard Make Sense for Your Farm? 10/16/2019
E360 Indoor Cultivation Instruction at Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences 5/3/2021
E361 Ecology and Management of the Groundhog (Marmota monax) 6/5/2020
E362 Economic Contribution of Agriculture to the New Jersey Economy (11 pp.) 6/1/2020
E363 Active Frost Protection Methods for Your Orchard 7/15/2020
E364 Soil Fertility Recommendations for Pastures 8/14/2020
E365 Sulfur Nutrition and Soil Fertility Management for New Jersey Crops 2/4/2021
E366 The Economic Importance of New Jersey’s Food System in 2017 (9 pp.) 11/23/2020
E367 Coyotes in New Jersey: History, Ecology, and Management 1/15/2021
E368 Choosing Plants for a Hazelnut Orchard in New Jersey 5/4/2021
E369 Climate Change Impacts on New Jersey's Marine Fisheries 6/1/2021
E370 Important Links for Beginner Farmers - RU Ready 2 Farm Toolshed 7/26/2021
E371 Livestock and Poultry Veterinary Care Services Series, Part I: What Kind of Vet Do I Need? How Do I Find One? 9/26/2022
E372 EPA’s Worker Protection Standard Respiratory and Recordkeeping Requirements for Agricultural Employers of Pesticide Handlers (10 pp.) 2/23/2022
E373 Does My Horse Need Supplements? (12 pp.) 5/18/2022
E374 Emerging Diseases of Hemp in New Jersey 3/1/2023
E375 The Equine Hindgut Microbiome 8/2/2023
E376 Beech Leaf Disease & Management Options 2/7/2025
F-129R Late-season Resue Thinning with Ethephon 5/1/2009
F-130 Apple Tree Pruning and Training (English and Spanish) 4/1/2007
F-131 Enhancing Return Bloom on Apple with Plant Growth Regulators 6/1/2007
F-133 An Annual Fire Blight Management Program 5/1/2008
FS001 Key Requirements of the New Jersey School IPM Act (2 pp.) 11/4/2003
FS002 Brown Marmorated Stinkbug - A Non-native Insect in New Jersey (2 pp.) 10/27/2008
FS003 Gardening Activities for Youth 6/1/2020
FS004 The Gypsy Moth on Home Grounds (2 pp.) 7/1/2003
FS005 About Millipedes (2 pp.) 7/1/2001
FS007 Brown Dog Tick Control (1 p.) 4/1/2002
FS008 Silverfish and Firbrats and Their Control (2 pp.) 10/1/2001
FS011 Blossom-End Rot: Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplant (2 pp.) 10/23/2003
FS013 Ant Management in Turfgrass (4 pp.) 11/10/2003
FS014 Nutrient Removal Values for Field and Forage Crops (2 pp.) 10/21/2003
FS016 Feeding Food Wastes to Swine (4 pp.) 12/8/2003
FS017 Eating Fish is Healthy: Keeping Environmental and Health Concerns in Perspective 11/12/2020
FS018 How to Hire a Household Pest Control Professional (2 pp.) 5/28/2010
FS019 How to Hire a Tree Care Professional (2 pp.) 8/7/2023
FS020 Weed Control Around the Home Grounds (4 pp.) 7/1/2003
FS022 The ''Nuts and Bolts'' of Your IPM Toolbox: Knowing Your Options (3 pp.) 10/21/2005
FS023 Gardening With Seniors (3 pp.) 10/21/2005
FS024 Tackling the Bullying Issue (4 pp.) 2/24/2004
FS025 Mole Management in Turf and Gardens (4 pp.) 2/9/2004
FS029 Insect Parasitic Nematodes for Cranberry Pest Management (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS031 How to Fertilize Shade Trees (4 pp.) 9/1/2003
FS032 New Jersey Forest Stewardship Series: Crop Tree Management Practice Standards (2 pp.) 2/9/2004
FS033 New Jersey Forest Stewardship Series: Wildlife Food Plots Practice Standards (4 pp.) 2/9/2004
FS034 New Jersey Forest Stewardship Series: Build Bird Nest Boxes Practice Standards (4 pp.) 2/9/2004
FS035 New Jersey Forest Stewardship Series: Build Brush Piles for Wildlife Practice Standards (4 pp.) 2/9/2004
FS036 Horses and Manure 9/12/2013
FS037 Recruiting Volunteers from Diverse Communities: Motivational Factors (2 pp.) 1/22/2004
FS038 The Basics of Equine Nutrition 9/30/2024
FS039 How to Hire a Landscape Maintenance Professional (2 pp.) 10/18/2004
FS040 The Cicada Killer Wasp (2 pp.) 5/20/2004
FS041 Edamame: The Vegetable Soybean (4 pp.) 6/24/2004
FS042 Tomatillos (2 pp.) 6/24/2004
FS043 International Eggplants (4 pp.) 7/9/2004
FS044 Globe Artichoke Production in New Jersey (3 pp.) 1/10/2005
FS050 How to Hire a Lawn Care Company (3 pp.) 2/3/2005
FS051 ph Effects of Pesticide Stability and Efficacy (2 pp.) 11/1/2001
FS054 Managing Hazardous Household Products (4 pp.) 11/1/1999
FS055 Container Gardening with Vegetables (3 pp.) 10/2/2003
FS058 Mulches for Vegetable Gardens (2 pp.) 2/1/1997
FS060 Controlling Household Energy Costs I: Major Routes of Heat Loss (2 pp.) 8/22/2005
FS061 Controlling Household Energy Costs II: Major Users of Energy (2 pp.) 8/22/2005
FS062 Odd Things That Horses Eat (2 pp.) 4/17/2000
FS072 Annual and Roughstalk Bluegrass Management for New Jersey Home Lawns (4 pp.) 2/1/2006
FS073 Forage Substitutes for Horses 1/15/2025
FS074 Backyard Leaf Composting (2 pp.) 12/1/1991
FS075 The Boxelder Bug and Its Control (2 pp.) 7/30/2003
FS076 4-H and Schools Working Together in Science Education (2 pp.) 7/1/2003
FS077 Aphids (2 pp.) 3/1/2002
FS079 Sample IPM Landscape Maintenance Agreement (2 pp.) 11/30/1999
FS081 Minimum Requirements of a Timber Sale Agreement (2 pp.) 8/10/2007
FS086 Sources of Christmas Tree Growing Stock (3 pp.) 2/6/2006
FS090 Control of Cat and Dog Fleas (2 pp.) 8/29/2003
FS092 About the American Dog Tick (2 pp.) 8/1/2003
FS093 Clover Mite Control Around the Home (2 pp.) 3/1/2002
FS094 Risks to Agricultural Commodities from Urbanization (4 pp.) 9/29/2005
FS097 Growing Strawberries in the Home Garden (3 pp.) 9/23/2016
FS099 Problems With Over-Mulching Trees and Shrubs 7/27/2021
FS100 Grape Growing in the Home Garden: Pest Control (2 pp.) 12/1/2001
FS1000 A Greenhouse Business Cost of Production: An Interactive Greenhouse Crop Budget (2 pp.) 5/1/2002
FS1001 Risk Management for Greenhouse and Nursery Growers in the United States (4 pp.) 5/1/2002
FS1002 Contract Growing: Is It for You? (2 pp.) 5/1/2002
FS1003 Agricultural Tourism as Income-Based Risk Management Strategy for Greenhouse and Nursery Producers (4 pp.) 5/1/2002
FS1004 Pasture Survey Method to Determine the Need for Overseeding or Renovation (2 pp.) 6/1/2002
FS1005 Best Management Practices for Irrigating Landscape Plant Material (4 pp.) 3/29/2002
FS1006 Trees & Utilities: Cooperative Management Strategies for Success (4 pp.) 9/1/2002
FS1007 An Integrated Approach to Insect Management in Turfgrass: Sod Webworms (3 pp.) 3/27/2010
FS1008 An Integrated Approach to Insect Management in Turfgrass: Hairy Chinch Bug (3 pp.) 4/26/2010
FS1009 An Integrated Approach to Insect Management in Turfgrass: White Grubs (4 pp.) 3/27/2010
FS1010 Birding in the Garden State: How to Get Started (4 pp.) 9/1/2002
FS1011 Landscaping to Create Backyard Bird Habitat (6 pp.) 9/1/2002
FS1013 An Integrated Approach to Insect Management in Turfgrass: Black Cutworm (4 pp.) 3/27/2010
FS1014 An Integrated Approach to Pest Management in Turfgrass: Nematodes (4 pp.) 5/11/2010
FS1015 An Integrated Approach to Insect Management in Turfgrass: Billbugs (3 pp.) 3/27/2010
FS1016 An Integrated Approach to Insect Management in Turfgrass: Annual Bluegrass Weevil (4 pp.) 4/26/2010
FS1017 Regulations Governing the Management of New Jersey Wildlife (4 pp.) 2/1/2003
FS1018 Japanese Knotweed (2 pp.) 2/1/2003
FS1019 Poison Ivy and Brush Control Around the Home Grounds (4 pp.) 2/1/2003
FS102 Your Lawn and Its Care (4 pp.) 10/11/2023
FS1020 Sweet Corn Crop Nitrogen Status Evaluation by Stalk Testing (2 pp.) 1/14/2005
FS1022 Backyard Birdfeeders (6 pp.) 3/28/2003
FS1023 Nutrient Management of Land Applied Grass Clippings (2 pp.) 1/23/2006
FS103 Horse Pasture Management - Species Selection (4 pp.) 5/3/2000
FS1034 The Caring Connection, Issue 1 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS1035 The Caring Connection, Issue 2 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS1036 The Caring Connection, Issue 3 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS1037 The Caring Connection, Issue 4 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS1038 The Caring Connection, Issue 5 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS1039 The Caring Connection, Issue 6 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS104 Sodding: Steps to an Instant Lawn (2 pp.) 7/24/2000
FS1040 The Caring Connection, Issue 7 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS1041 The Caring Connection, Issue 8 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS1042 The Caring Connection, Issue 9 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS1043 The Caring Connection, Issue 10 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS1044 The Caring Connection, Issue 11 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS1045 The Caring Connection, Issue 12 (4 pp.) 5/26/2004
FS1046 Finger Foods for Infants and Toddlers: Make Every Bite Count! 1/2/2025
FS1047 New Jersey Livestock Farmer Survey: Is My Farm Environmentally Friendly? (3 pp.) 12/4/2013
FS1048 Integrated Control of Gray Leaf Spot on Perennial Ryegrass (2 pp.) 11/6/2006
FS1049 Let's Eat! Healthier Snacks and Parties: A Guide for Families, Schools, and Organizations (3 pp.) 1/10/2014
FS1051 Smart Food Choices: Grains are Good! (4 pp.) 12/10/2012
FS1052 Smart Food Choices: Flavorful Fruits (4 pp.) 12/10/2012
FS1053 Smart Food Choices: Consuming Milk is Good! (2 pp.) 12/10/2012
FS1054 Smart Food Choices: Veggies Foster Health (5 pp.) 12/10/2012
FS1055 Smart Food Choices: Eat Lean Protein (2 pp.) 12/10/2012
FS1056 Smart Food Choices: Safe Food for Families 10/15/2020
FS1057 Smart Food Choices: Healthy Meals and Snacks for Families 2/7/2025
FS1058 Smart Food Choices: Breakfast 2/7/2025
FS1059 Smart Food Choices: Eating Out - Finding Healthier Choices (2 pp.) 12/10/2012
FS106 Blueberry Pest Management for Home Gardens (3 pp.) 1/4/2005
FS1060 Smart Food Choices: Balancing Food and Physical Activity from a Family Perspective 10/20/2020
FS1061 Tree Decline in New Jersey Landscapes (4 pp.) 12/14/2006
FS1063 Everyone Loves Rewards - Fun Alternatives to Food: A Guide for Parents and Teachers (3 pp.) 11/19/2013
FS1064 Nutrient Management on Livestock Farms: Tips for Feeding 9/12/2013
FS1065 Antioxidants and Your Horse 10/15/2024
FS1067 Metabolic Problems in the Horse: Sorting out the Diagnosis 1/24/2025
FS1068 Fuel Requirements and Energy Savings Tips for Field Operations (4 pp.) 8/2/2007
FS107 Water Conservation: Homes, Institutions, and Business (2 pp.) 3/1/1999
FS1070 An Integrated Approach to Dollar Spot Disease in Turfgrasses (3 pp.) 9/1/2007
FS1074 Flat Peach Varieties for New Jersey (1 p.) 6/6/2008
FS1075 Switchgrass Production and Use in New Jersey (2 pp.) 5/1/2008
FS1076 Pond and Lake Management Part I: Dealing with Aquatic Plants and Algal Blooms (2 pp.) 6/26/2008
FS1077 Pond and Lake Management Part II: Preventing Shoreline Erosion & Removing Sediments (1 p.) 6/26/2008
FS1078 Pond and Lake Management Part III: Controlling Geese and Other Pests (1 p.) 6/26/2008
FS1079 Quick & Easy Ways to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables (2 pp.) 5/26/2017
FS108 Renovating Your Lawn (2 pp.) 6/1/1993
FS1081 To Blanket or Not to Blanket? 10/24/2024
FS1083 Plum Varieties for New Jersey (2 pp.) 6/26/2008
FS1084 Cereal Rust Mite on Timothy Hay (1 p.) 6/6/2008
FS1085 Sprayer Calibration (1 p.) 6/26/2008
FS1086 New Jersey Equine Industry, 2007 6/21/2024
FS1087 Cranberry Weevil in Blueberries (2 pp.) 7/17/2009
FS1088 Hawaiian Beet Webworm (1 p.) 12/16/2008
FS1089 Grilling With Care (2 pp.) 5/26/2017
FS1090 New Jersey Black Flies (2 pp.) 10/28/2008
FS1091 Eating Together - Eating Well: Fast Food...Can It Be Healthy in a Pinch? (4 pp.) 9/13/2017
FS1092 Eating Together - Eating Well: Healthy Meals for Busy Families (2 pp.) 10/26/2017
FS1095 Carpenter Bees (2 pp.) 4/24/2009
FS1096 Skin Surface Selection and Management for Baseball and Softball Infields (2 pp.) 3/1/2009
FS1097 Practical Ways to Trim High Grocery Prices (2 pp.) 8/31/2018
FS1098 Bed Bugs 2/25/2019
FS1099 New Jersey Sales and Use Tax Requirements for Agriculture (2 pp.) 5/1/2009
FS1101 Carpenter Ants and Their Control 2/25/2019
FS1102 The Stake and Weave Training System for Tomatoes in the Home Garden (3 pp.) 8/28/2009
FS1103 Calibrating Manure Spreaders Using the Tarp method (3 pp.) 4/3/2009
FS1105 Workplace Wellness: Power Foods at Meetings and Healthy Power Lunches 9/18/2019
FS1106 Workplace Wellness: Healthy Eating While on the Job 10/1/2019
FS1107 Workplace Wellness: Ways to Increase Your Physical Activity on the Job 10/1/2019
FS1108 Energy Drinks: The Truth Behind the Boost (3 pp.) 8/7/2018
FS1109 Children with Food Allergies: A Guide for Youth Group Leaders (2 pp.) 10/12/2017
FS1110 Eating Together - Eating Well: Nutrient-Rich Family Meals 8/8/2019
FS1111 Sponge Gourds or Luffas (2 pp.) 10/22/2009
FS1112 Ethnic Peppers (Capsicum spp.): Chiles or Chilies (Mexican/Central American) and Ajis (Caribbean) (3 pp.) 1/8/2011
FS1113 Bok Choys (Chinese Cabbages) (3 pp.) 10/22/2009
FS1114 Cranberry Fruitworm: A Pest of Blueberries in New Jersey (2 pp.) 10/26/2009
FS1115 Regional Stormwater Management Plans (2 pp.) 1/5/2010
FS1116 Crop Residue as a Potential Bioenergy Resource (4 pp.) 12/18/2009
FS1117 Detecting Bed Bugs Using Bed Bug Monitors 6/12/2019
FS1118 Rain Barrels Part II: Installation and Use 2/7/2025
FS1119 Pond and Lake Management Part IV: Aquatic Invasive Species: Water Chestnut (Trapa natans) - Prevention and Management (4 pp.) 3/31/2010
FS112 Apple Pest Control Schedule for New Jersey Home Orchards (4 pp.) 6/22/2010
FS1121 Spiders of Medical Importance 5/27/2010
FS1122 The Indian Meal Moth (2 pp.) 5/13/2010
FS1123 Vegetable Insect Control Recommendations for Home Gardens (3 pp.) 3/25/2024
FS1124 Vegetable Disease Recommendations for Home Gardens (4 pp.) 3/23/2012
FS1125 Protecting Yourself from Mosquito Bites (3 pp.) 5/27/2010
FS1126 Jersey Summer Shore Safety: Expired Marine Flares 2/7/2025
FS1127 Rain Barrels Part III: Building a Rain Barrel from a Plastic Trash Can (3 pp.) 6/16/2010
FS1128 Understanding On-Farm Utility Costs and Billing (4 pp.) 9/3/2010
FS1129 Cave Crickets (Camel Crickets) (1 p.) 8/16/2010
FS113 Peach and Nectarine Pest Control Schedule for New Jersey Home Orchards (4 pp.) 6/20/2010
FS1131 Is an Agritourism Venture Right For Your Farm? (3 pp.) 9/28/2010
FS1132 Jersey Summer Shore Safety: Be Safe Out in the Sun 7/20/2020
FS1133 Cedar-Apple Rust in the Home Landscape (3 pp.) 11/12/2010
FS1134 Bees and Wasps (3 pp.) 10/26/2010
FS1135 Soil Organic Matter (3 pp.) 3/26/2012
FS1136 Soil Organic Matter Level and Interpretation (3 pp.) 3/26/2012
FS1137 Improving Soil Quality By Increasing Organic Matter Content (3 pp.) 3/26/2012
FS1138 Pond and Lake Manage Part V: Making Your Water Chestnut Hand Pulling Event a Success (4 pp.) 12/19/2010
FS1139 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Handling Guidelines for Food Pantries (2 pp.) 12/15/2010
FS1140 Incorporating Native Plants in Your Residential Landscape (4 pp.) 12/15/2010
FS1141 Jersey Summer Shore Safety: Heat Stress & Dehydration 7/20/2020
FS1142 Winter Care for Horses 10/24/2024
FS1143 Winter Feeding for Horses 10/24/2024
FS1144 Bagworm Thyridopteryx Ephemeraeformis (Haworth) (2 pp.) 2/15/2011
FS1145 Agritourism - Keeping Passengers Safe on Hayrides (3 pp.) 2/14/2001
FS1146 Rhododendrons and Azaleas: Injuries, Diseases and Insect Damage (3 pp.) 2/15/2011
FS1147 Lilacs (1 p.) 2/14/2011
FS1148 Western Conifer Seed Bug (1 p.) 2/15/2011
FS1149 Pantry Pests (1 p.) 2/16/2011
FS115 Cherry Spray Schedule for New Jersey Home Orchards (2 pp.) 12/1/2001
FS1150 African Violet Care (2 pp.) 2/15/2011
FS1151 Hollies for New Jersey (2 pp.) 2/15/2011
FS1152 Hydrangeas in the Garden 9/11/2020
FS1153 Growing Dahlias (2 pp.) 2/15/2011
FS1154 Orchids on the Windowsill (2 pp.) 2/15/2011
FS1155 Cannas (1 p.) 2/15/2011
FS1156 Keeping Geraniums Over Winter (1 p.) 2/15/2011
FS1157 Petunias in the Garden (1 p.) 2/15/2011
FS1158 Black Spot of Rose (1 p.) 2/14/2011
FS1159 La Chinche de Cama 3/22/2019
FS116 Plum Spray Schedule for New Jersey Home Orchards (2 pp.) 12/1/2001
FS1160 Do It Yourself Baby Food (4 pp.) 7/26/2011
FS1161 Cut Flowers for the Market and Home Garden - Zinnia (3 pp.) 7/26/2011
FS1162 Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting For Plant Irrigation I: Design Concepts and Water Quantity (5 pp.) 12/20/2011
FS1163 Mail Order Vegetable Seed Sources for the New Jersey Gardener 5/4/2020
FS1164 Birch Leafminer, Fenusa pusilla (Lepeletier) (3 pp.) 8/18/2011
FS1165 Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting for Plant Irrigation II: Water Quality and Horticultural Considerations (4 pp.) 12/20/2011
FS1166 Workplace Wellness: Stress Less on the Job 10/1/2019
FS1169 Slime Mold in Landscapes - "Dog Vomit Fungus" (2 pp.) 10/14/2011
FS117 Using Leaf Compost (2 pp.) 12/1/1991
FS1170 What's Polluting our Rivers, Lakes, and Estuaries I: Phosphorus (4 pp.) 12/20/2011
FS1171 Pond and Lake Management Part VI: Using Barley Straw to Control Algae 12/20/2011
FS1172 Developing a Mission Statement for Your Agricultural Business (5 pp.) 3/27/2012
FS1173 Canada Thistle in Home Landscapes (3 pp.) 2/23/2012
FS1174 Community Supported Agriculture: A Farmer's Overview (3 pp.) 2/27/2012
FS1175 Rain Gardens and Mosquitoes 2/16/2012
FS1176 Tips on Buying Your First Horse 6/19/2024
FS1177 Green Infrastructure Practices: An Introduction to Permeable Pavement (4 pp.) 3/2/2012
FS1178 Help! My Refrigerator or Freezer Stopped Working. Is My Food Safe? (6 pp.) 3/21/2012
FS1179 Eating Seasonally 10/8/2020
FS1180 Pruning Beach Plums for Fruit Production (2 pp.) 3/30/2012
FS1181 Carpet Beetles 3/8/2019
FS1182 Clothes Moths 6/5/2012
FS1183 Common Mites of Your Rabbit and Small Animal Part I: Fur Mites (2 pp.) 5/30/2013
FS1184 Common Mites of Your Rabbit and Small Animal Part II: Cavy Lice (2 pp.) 5/30/2013
FS1185 Common Mites of Your Rabbit and Small Animal Part III: Ear Mites and Canker (2 pp.) 5/30/2013
FS1186 Tall Fescue Varieties for New Jersey Sports Fields 12/19/2012
FS1187 Soil Fertility Recommendations for Christmas Trees (6 pp.) 10/24/2012
FS1188 Soil Fertility Recommendations for Small Grains (8 pp.) 10/24/2012
FS1189 Why Do I Need a Farm Map? How to Prepare a Usable Map for Your Farm 9/12/2013
FS1190 Managing Manure on Horse Farms: Exercise or Sacrifice Lots for Horses 9/12/2013
FS1191 Can Animal Feeding Practices Influence Nutrient Runoff? 1/23/2014
FS1192 Storing Manure on Small Horse and Livestock Farms (4 pp.) 1/23/2014
FS1193 Managing Manure on Horse Farms: Spreading and Off-Farm Disposal (3 pp.) 1/23/2014
FS1194 New Jersey Livestock Drought Management Plan 9/12/2013
FS1195 Green Infrastructure: Converting Dry Detention Basins to Natural Ecosystems 11/29/2012
FS1196 Jersey Summer Shore Safety: Keeping Food Safe When Packing a Picnic 7/20/2020
FS1197 An Introduction to Green Infrastructure Practices 12/5/2012
FS1198 Figs in the Home Garden (4 pp.) 12/19/2012
FS1201 Yellow-Fleshed Peach Varieties for New Jersey Commercial and Home Orchardists (9 pp.) 3/15/2013
FS1202 An Overview of White-Tailed Deer Status and Management in New Jersey 1/24/2013
FS1203 White-Fleshed Peach Varieties for New Jersey Commercial and Home Orchardists (5 pp.) 3/15/2013
FS1204 Nectarine Varieties For New Jersey Commercial and Home Orchardists (6 pp.) 3/15/2013
FS1205 Tree-Dwelling Lichens (4 pp.) 3/26/2013
FS1206 Planning to Start a Vineyard in New Jersey (4 pp.) 9/30/2013
FS1207 The Facts About Bats in New Jersey 4/30/2013
FS1208 Enabling Gardens: The Practical Side of Horticultural Therapy (4 pp.) 7/9/2013
FS1209 Green Infrastructure Practices: Tree Boxes (4 pp.) 8/7/2013
FS121 Herbicide Injury to Trees (2 pp.) 8/27/1998
FS1210 Conducting Taste-Testing Activities in Schools: A Guide for Teachers and Administrators (2 pp.) 7/30/2013
FS1211 Learning Through the Garden (4 pp.) 8/22/2013
FS1212 Identification, Control, and Impact of Garlic Mustard, <i>Alliaria petiolata</i> (3 pp.) 9/3/2013
FS1214 Canada Goose Ecology and Impacts in New Jersey (3 pp.) 10/2/2013
FS1215 Outdoor Container Gardening with Flowering and Foliage Plants 5/12/2020
FS1217 Strategies for Resident Canada Goose Control and Management in New Jersey (4 pp.) 10/16/2013
FS1218 Rain Barrels Part IV: Testing and Applying Harvested Water to Irrigate a Vegetable Garden (4 pp.) 12/5/2013
FS1219 Controlling Ground Ivy in Home Lawns (2 pp.) 11/18/2013
FS122 Tree Problems Caused by People in the Suburban Landscape (4 pp.) 6/1/1993
FS1220 Spring Flowering Bulbs (3 pp.) 12/6/2013
FS1221 Pruning Flowering Shrubs (3 pp.) 12/9/2013
FS1222 Blooms for Bees: How to Provide Pollen and Nectar Sources (7 pp.) 9/30/2015
FS1223 DIY Bedbug Control (Chinese) (3 pp.) 1/7/2014
FS1224 How to Hire a PCO (Chinese) (4 pp.) 1/29/2014
FS1225 Nut Trees for New Jersey (2 pp.) 2/28/2014
FS1226 Nut Tree Pest Control (2 pp.) 1/23/2014
FS1227 Creating a Taste-Testing Event: A Resource for School Nutrition Professionals (4 pp.) 4/29/2014
FS1228 Rabies: What You Should Know for Your Pets and Livestock (4 pp.) 2/27/2014
FS1229 Plum Curculio: A Key Pest of Blueberries in New Jersey (2 pp.) 3/25/2014
FS1230 Worker Health and Hygiene (3 pp.) 3/26/2014
FS1230CH Worker Health and Hygiene (in Chinese) (3 pp.) 10/18/2017
FS1230CR Worker Health and Hygiene (in Haitian Creole) (3 pp.) 12/18/2017
FS1230KH Worker Health and Hygiene (in Khmer) (3 pp.) 12/18/2017
FS1230KR Worker Health and Hygiene (in Korean) (3 pp.) 12/18/2017
FS1230SP Salud e higiene del trabajador (3 pp.) 12/18/2017
FS1231 Filamentous Algae in Waterways (3 pp.) 3/25/2014
FS1232 Parrot Feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum): A Non-Native Aquatic Plant in New Jersey Waterways (4 pp.) 7/10/2014
FS1233 Growing Garlic in the Home Garden (3 pp.) 6/24/2014
FS1235 Curly-leaf Pondweed (Potamogeton crispus): a Non-Native Aquatic Plant in New Jersey Waterways (3 pp.) 7/14/2014
FS1236 Coontail (Cerstophyllum demersum), a Native Aquatic Plant of New Jersey Waterways (3 pp.) 7/17/2014
FS1237 Japanese Stiltgrass Control in the Home Lawn and Landscape (3 pp.) 10/11/2023
FS1239 School and Family Partnerships Promote School Wellness (4 pp.) 9/8/2014
FS1240 Rain Barrels and Mosquitoes (4 pp.) 11/11/2014
FS1241 Gardening in Correctional Facilities (3 pp.) 3/6/2015
FS1242 Build a Better Bagged School Lunch 1/2/2025
FS1244 Cooking with Kids in the School Garden 8/21/2024
FS1245 Build a Better Smoothie (4 pp.) 5/1/2024
FS1246 Spotted Wing Drosophila: A Key Pest of Small Fruits in New Jersey (3 pp.) 10/5/2015
FS1247 Spotted Fireworm: A Pest of Cranberry in New Jersey (2 pp.) 11/11/2015
FS1248 Blunt-Nosed Leafhopper: A Vector of Cranberry False Blossom Disease (2 pp.) 11/11/2015
FS1249 Sparganothis Fruitworm: A Pest of Cranberry in New Jersey (3 pp.) 11/11/2015
FS1250 Guidance for Directors and Leaders of Agricultural Organizations in New Jersey (3 pp.) 11/11/2015
FS1251 Cost-Effective and Money-Wasting Bed Bug Control Methods 3/25/2019
FS1252 Evaluate Your Wine Grape Planting Material Before Planting (2 pp.) 1/4/2016
FS1253 New Jersey's Right to Farm Act - What It Is and How It Works (5 pp.) 4/7/2016
FS1254 New Jersey's Agricultural Mediation Program (4 pp.) 7/6/2016
FS1255 Ecology and Control of the Freshwater Aquatic Plant Spatterdock (Nuphar sp.) (4 pp.) 4/7/2016
FS1256 Incorporating Soil Biology into Soil Health Assessment (4 pp.) 8/26/2016
FS1257 Build a Better Salad (2 pp.) 8/17/2016
FS1258 Ultra-Niche Crop Series: Plasticulture Strawberries Postharvest Handling & Food Safety (3 pp.) 9/29/2016
FS1259 Ultra-Niche Crop Series: Plasticulture Strawberries (3 pp.) 9/30/2016
FS1260 Red Leaves in the Vineyard: Biotic and Abiotic Causes (4 pp.) 10/13/2016
FS1261 What Is On-Farm Food Safety? (3 pp.) 11/1/2017
FS1262 Measuring Temperature, Pulse, & Respiration (TPR): What's Normal for My Horse? (2 pp.) 11/10/2016
FS1263 Ultra-Niche Crop Series: Writing SMART Goals for Your Farm (3 pp.) 1/11/2017
FS1264 Hilling-Up to Prevent Winter Injury in Vineyards (3 pp.) 1/11/2017
FS1265 Managing Liability on Agritourism Farms (4 pp.) 1/31/2017
FS1266 La mosca de alas manchadas: Una plaga de frutos pequenos in Nueva Jersey (3 pp.) 1/31/2017
FS1267 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: High Tunnel Winter Lettuce (3 pp.) 2/3/2017
FS1268 Ultra-Niche Crop Series: Winter Lettuce Postharvest Handling and Food Safety (3 pp.) 4/18/2017
FS1269 Guidance for Siting and Installing Bat Roost Boxes (3 pp.) 2/3/2017
FS1270 Ecological and Economic Importance of Bats in Integrated Pest Management 12/2/2020
FS1271 A Guide to More Productive and Nutrient Dense Horse Pastures 2/28/2017
FS1272 Common Insect Pests in Hop Yards 4/7/2017
FS1273 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Production and Marketing of Habañero Peppers in New Jersey 3/2/2017
FS1274 Build a Better Breakfast (2 pp.) 6/9/2017
FS1275 Ultra-Niche Crop Series: Mixed Cut Flowers for Small Farms (5 pp.) 6/20/2017
FS1276 New Jersey Commercial Hops Production FAQs 6/23/2017
FS1277 Tying-Up in Horses 8/15/2017
FS1278 Silicon Needs of Soils and Crops 10/18/2017
FS1279 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Fresh-Market Basil 3/12/2018
FS1280 Supporting Bees in Your Garden and on Your Farm 11/13/2017
FS1281 Lone Star Ticks in New Jersey: Risk, Ecology, and Prevention 2/27/2018
FS1282 Downy Mildew in Hop Yards 11/9/2017
FS1283 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Basil Postharvest Handling and Food Safety 4/16/2018
FS1284 Developmental Disabilities Series: Overview of Developmental Disabilities 7/15/2024
FS1285 Developmental Disabilities Series: Disabilities and Learning 7/15/2024
FS1286 Developmental Disabilities Series: Understanding and Managing Behavior 7/15/2024
FS1287 Developmental Disabilities Series: Visual Supports 7/15/2024
FS1288 Developmental Disabilities Series: Disabilities Laws and Program Accommodations and Modifications 7/15/2024
FS1289 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Garlic for Small Commercial Growers 4/11/2018
FS129 Planning a Vegetable Garden 4/27/2020
FS1290 Identifying and Understanding False-Green Kyllinga in Cool-Season Turf 6/12/2018
FS1291 Build a Better Beverage 6/26/2018
FS1292 Drip Irrigation Inspection Checklist for Agriculture 5/1/2018
FS1293 Voles in the Orchard 5/24/2018
FS1294 Ultra-Niche Crop Series: Crop SWOT Analysis Template 6/27/2018
FS1295 Soil Fertility Recommendations for Producing Grass Hay 7/25/2018
FS1296 Jersey Summer Shore Safety: Wetsuit Recycling 2/2/2024
FS1297 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Beach Plum 10/10/2018
FS1298 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Production and Marketing in New Jersey 10/11/2018
FS1299 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Pick-Your-Own (PYO) Blueberries 10/16/2018
FS129SP Planificando El Huerto 10/23/2020
FS1300 Five New Peach and Nectarine Varieties for New Jersey Commercial and Home Orchardists 1/30/2019
FS1301 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Asparagus 3/15/2019
FS1302 Industrial Hemp Production in New Jersey: Frequently Asked Questions 2/5/2020
FS1303 Classic and Novel Dessert Apple Varieties for Commercial Orchards in New Jersey 4/11/2019
FS1304 Eating Together-Eating Well: Pivoting the Picky Eater 4/11/2019
FS1305 Added Sugars: Hidden in Plain View 6/12/2019
FS1306 Irrigating Your Orchard – Water Monitoring with a Tensiometer 7/1/2019
FS1307 Stormwater Utilities in New Jersey – Frequently Asked Questions 7/1/2019
FS1308 Crabgrass Control in Lawns for Homeowners in the Northern US 8/10/2019
FS1309 Crabgrass and Goosegrass Identification and Control in Cool-Season Turfgrass for Professionals 8/19/2019
FS1310 The Public and Their Animals: Regulations and Risks to Your Direct Market Farm 8/5/2019
FS1311 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Blueberry Enterprise Budget 12/5/2019
FS1312 Introduction to Industrial Hemp - Basic Production Agronomy 11/6/2019
FS1313 Assessing and Addressing Soil Compaction in Your Yard 1/15/2020
FS1314 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Beach Plum Enterprise Budget 1/22/2020
FS1315 Best Management Practices for Copper Fungicide Use 1/22/2020
FS1316 Attracting Ruby-throated Hummingbirds to Your Yard 2/12/2020
FS1317 Healthy Eating in the Time of COVID-19 3/24/2020
FS1318 Maintaining COVID-19 Safety Practices: Guidance for Food Pantries 4/27/2020
FS1319 Getting Started with Online Farm Sales During Times of Social Distancing 5/6/2020
FS1320 Eastern Copperheads in New Jersey 12/3/2024
FS1321 Distribution of School Meals During COVID-19 Quarantine: Suggested Best Practices for Food Service Personnel 5/18/2020
FS1322 German Cockroach 7/13/2020
FS1323 Ticks, Lyme Disease, and Other Tick-Borne Diseases in Horses 9/22/2020
FS1324 People and Food Safety in the Community Garden During Ordinary and Extraordinary COVID-19 Times 10/9/2020
FS1325 Red Fox Ecology and Behavior 9/16/2020
FS1326 Bed Bug Prevention and Control for Health Workers 11/23/2020
FS1326SP Prevención y Control de Chinches de Cama para Personal Sanitario 10/14/2022
FS1327 Cockroach Species in New Jersey and Their Control Strategies 11/23/2020
FS1328 Soil for Raised Beds 12/15/2020
FS1329 Native Plant Seed Propagation 5/14/2021
FS1330 Monitoring and Management of Pepper Weevil in New Jersey 5/13/2021
FS1331 Food Waste 101: Understanding the Basics 7/12/2021
FS1332 Reducing Food Waste at Home: Easy Every-Day Tips 7/12/2021
FS1333 Engaging Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in Virtual Programming 7/6/2021
FS1334 New Labels for Bioengineered Foods: What the Public Needs to Know 8/10/2021
FS1335 Livestock and Poultry Veterinary Care Services Series, Part II: Federal Resources 9/10/2021
FS1336 Livestock and Poultry Veterinary Care Services Series, Part III: State Resources 9/11/2021
FS1337 Increasing the Catch-and-Release Survival of Black Sea Bass Through Swim Bladder Venting 10/13/2021
FS1338 Carolina Redroot (Lachnanthes caroliniana) Identification and Control 11/18/2021
FS1339 Crabgrass Integration in New Jersey Horse Pastures 12/7/2021
FS1340 Non-structural Carbohydrates and Equine Warm-season Grass Pastures 2/1/2022
FS1341 Nutsedge Life Cycle Disruptions for Effective Control 5/2/2022
FS1342 Site Selection Considerations for New and Expanding Farms 6/1/2022
FS1343 Hemp Production for Fiber 6/8/2022
FS1344 Canada Thistle Life Cycle Disruptions for Effective Control in Specialty Crops 7/19/2022
FS1345 School Garden Produce Safety Good Gardening Practices Checklist 7/19/2022
FS1346 Web Soil Survey: A Useful Tool to Understand the Natural Soil Properties of Your Farm Field 8/22/2022
FS1347 Large Crabgrass Life Cycle Disruptions for Effective Control in Specialty Crops 8/25/2022
FS1348 Hairy Galinsoga Life Cycle Disruptions for Effective Control in No- and Low-Spray Specialty Crops  9/1/2022
FS1349 Marine Plants & Insights Into Global Seagrass Issues with a New Jersey Focus 10/12/2022
FS1350 Redroot and Smooth Pigweed Life Cycle Disruptions for Effective Control in Specialty Crops 9/22/2022
FS1351 Introduction to Aquaponics Systems 11/2/2022
FS1352 Share Tables: An Easy Way to Reduce Food Waste and Alleviate Food Insecurity 2/15/2023
FS1353 Invasive Plants and Native Alternatives for Landscapes 8/23/2023
FS1354 Major Insect Pests of Cranberries in New Jersey 9/6/2023
FS1355 Reducing Black Bear Damage to Farm Operations 12/21/2023
FS1356 2024 Vegetable Integrated Pest Management Delivery Program 1/30/2024
FS1357 Fescue Grasses as Permanent Cover Between Rows of Blueberry 3/27/2024
FS1358 Developing your On-Farm Food Safety Worker Training Program 7/8/2024
FS1359 Soil Health: Purpose and Management 8/23/2024
FS1360 SNAP Promotion in Schools 9/11/2024
FS1361 Anthracnose Fruit Rot in Highbush Blueberry 2/3/2025
FS1362 Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program: How to Apply for Benefits & Tips for Healthy Eating 12/3/2024
FS1363 Scald in Cranberry Fruit: Part 1 Understanding Causes 2/6/2025
FS137 House Ants and Their Control (2 pp.) 8/20/2003
FS138 Unit Pricing: What It is and How to Use It 8/4/2023
FS148 Helpful Hints for Small Flock Management 4/17/2020
FS155 Laboratories for Soil Testing and Plant Analysis (2 pp.) 1/1/2003
FS167 Tips on Buying Your First Horse (4 pp.) 7/29/1999
FS173 Hickory and Pecan Spray Schedule for New Jersey Home Orchards (2 pp.) 12/1/2001
FS174 Plant Nutrient Recommendations for Field Corn (4 pp.) 4/16/2004
FS209 Pesticide Service Vehicles (2 pp.) 5/1/2002
FS211 About the European Earwig (2 pp.) 9/1/2001
FS212 Wasps and Their Control (2 pp.) 8/1/2003
FS218 Grandparents as Parents: Concerns, Challenges, and Directions for Support (4 pp.) 10/30/2003
FS220 Periodical Cicadas: ''17-Year Locusts'' 3/12/2021
FS220SP Las Cigarras Periódicas: ''Las Langostas de Cada 17 Años'' 8/27/2021
FS221 Asparagus Beetles (2 pp.) 3/23/2005
FS222 Blister Beetles (2 pp.) 3/23/2005
FS223 Carrot Rust Fly (2 pp.) 3/23/2005
FS224 Colorado Potato Beetle (2 pp.) 7/1/2008
FS225 Cucumber Beetles (2 pp.) 11/1/2008
FS226 Hornworms (2 pp.) 3/23/2005
FS227 Mexican Bean Beetle (2 pp.) 3/23/2005
FS228 Squash Bugs (2 pp.) 11/1/2008
FS229 Squash Vine Borers (2 pp.) 3/23/2005
FS230 Aphids on Vegetables (2 pp.) 3/28/2023
FS231 Cabbage Looper (2 pp.) 3/23/2005
FS232 Diamondback Moth (2 pp.) 3/23/2005
FS233 Flea Beetles (2 pp.) 6/30/2008
FS234 Garden Symphylans (2 pp.) 3/23/2005
FS235 Two-Spotted Spider Mites (2 pp.) 6/30/2008
FS236 Garden Fleahopper (2 pp.) 4/8/2005
FS237 Leafhoppers (2 pp.) 11/28/2005
FS238 Melonworm (2 pp.) 4/8/2005
FS239 Pickleworm (2 pp.) 8/1/2008
FS240 Whiteflies (2 pp.) 6/30/2008
FS241 Bean-Leaf Beetle (2 pp.) 7/8/2005
FS242 Three-Lined Potato Beetle (2 pp.) 4/8/2005
FS243 Sap Beetles (2 pp.) 10/24/2005
FS244 Tarnished Plant Bug (2 pp.) 4/8/2005
FS245 Stink Bugs (2 pp.) 6/30/2008
FS246 Harlequin Bug (2 pp.) 10/24/2005
FS247 Negro Bug (2 pp.) 4/8/2005
FS248 Melon Aphid (2 pp.) 4/8/2005
FS249 Bean Weevil (2 pp.) 10/24/2005
FS250 Carrot Weevil (2 pp.) 12/12/2005
FS255 Grandparents As Parents: Exploring Resources (4 pp.) 10/30/2003
FS257 Basement Moisture: Some Simple Remedies (2 pp.) 10/1/2003
FS258 When to Ventilate the Basement to Reduce Moisture Problems (2 pp.) 2/5/2002
FS274 Home Storage of Foods: Shelf Storage 4/2/2020
FS276 Spinach Leafminer (2 pp.) 7/8/2005
FS277 Cabbage Maggot (2 pp.) 7/8/2005
FS278 Onion Maggot (2 pp.) 10/24/2005
FS279 Pepper Maggot (2 pp.) 6/6/2006
FS280 Seedcorn Maggot (2 pp.) 3/27/2006
FS281 Celeryworm (2 pp.) 6/8/2006
FS282 Corn Earworm (2 pp.) 11/7/2005
FS283 Cutworms (2 pp.) 1/5/2006
FS284 European Corn Borer (2 pp.) 2/10/2006
FS285 Fall Armyworm (2 pp.) 5/9/2006
FS286 Imported Cabbageworm (2 pp.) 2/10/2006
FS287 Cross-Striped Cabbageworm (2 pp.) 7/8/2005
FS288 Salt Marsh Caterpillar (2 pp.) 11/7/2005
FS289 Webworms (2 pp.) 1/5/2006
FS290 Grasshoppers (2 pp.) 2/1/2006
FS291 Thrips (2 pp.) 5/16/2006
FS292 Tortoise Beetles (2 pp.) 2/1/2006
FS293 White Grubs (2 pp.) 2/10/2006
FS294 Wireworms (2 pp.) 5/3/2006
FS295 Beneficial Insects of the Home Garden (2 pp.) 11/1/2008
FS316 IPM in the Home Landscape (2 pp.) 9/18/2003
FS317 Extraction of Blueberry Maggot Larvae from Harvested Blueberry Fruit (4 pp.) 3/22/2001
FS319 Turfgrass for Orchard and Nursery Floor Management (4 pp.) 10/1/2000
FS336 Lead Contaminated Soil: Minimizing Health Risks (4 pp.) 5/10/2010
FS337 Complying with the New Jersey Right-to-Know Law (2 pp.) 8/1/1992
FS338 Termite Prevention and Control 3/22/2019
FS348 Saddling and Bridling Horses Safely (4 pp.) 7/15/1999
FS349 Mounting, Dismounting, and Riding Horses Safely 6/19/2024
FS351 Directions for Disinfecting a Home Well in New Jersey (4 pp.) 12/1/2000
FS353 Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water (2 pp.) 1/1/2001
FS358 Important Diseases of Tomatoes Grown in High Tunnels and Greenhouses in New Jersey 5/29/2020
FS360 Animal Repellents for New Jersey Christmas Tree Growers (4 pp.) 4/22/2005
FS368 Establishing and Managing Horse Pastures (4 pp.) 8/27/2012
FS370 Trail Riding Etiquette for Horse Enthusiasts 9/30/2024
FS374 Jersey Fresh Tomatoes! The Mystery of Their Great Taste (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS385 Broadleaf Weed Control in Cool Season Turfgrasses (4 pp.) 7/30/2003
FS386 Aquatic Weed Control (6 pp.) 2/1/2001
FS387 How to Start a Windowsill Herb Garden (2 pp.) 4/1/1994
FS389 Minimizing Waste Disposal: Grass Clippings (2 pp.) 4/1/1992
FS391 Blackbirds in the Vegetable Garden (2 pp.) 2/1/1992
FS397 Slugs and Snails in the Vegetable Garden (2 pp.) 12/1/1992
FS398 Tree Squirrels in the Vegetable Garden (2 pp.) 6/1/1992
FS399 Vole Ecology and Management (4 pp.) 3/4/2004
FS401 An Integrated Approach to Control of Canker Diseases in Woody Ornamentals, IV. Botryosphaeria Canker (2 pp.) 12/1/2000
FS403 Determining Relative Humidity (2 pp.) 10/1/2002
FS417 Recycling Used Motor Oil in New Jersey (4 pp.) 11/1/1994
FS419 Selecting Blueberry Varieties for the Home Garden (3 pp.) 1/4/2005
FS426 Moss in Lawns (2 pp.) 7/1/2003
FS433 Drinking Water Standards (4 pp.) 4/8/2005
FS434 Drinking Water: What Tests Do I Need? (4 pp.) 4/16/2004
FS435 Drinking Water Treatment and Conditioning (2 pp.) 3/1/1998
FS443 Prevent Tick Bites: Prevent Lyme Disease (4 pp.) 3/24/2005
FS446 Grazing Restrictions for Pasture Herbicides (2 pp.) 3/1/2001
FS450 Using Water Wisely in the Garden (4 pp.) 7/16/2003
FS452 How to Buy Clam Seed...Without Getting Shucked! (6 pp.) 3/1/2003
FS510 Growing an (2 pp.) 6/28/2004
FS511 Mummy Berry: An Important Disease of Highbush Blueberry (4 pp.) 1/27/2005
FS512 Botrytis Blossom Blight in Highbush Blueberry 11/13/2024
FS513 Rain Gardens (4 pp.) 2/14/2006
FS516 Management of Iron in Irrigation Water (4 pp.) 12/1/2005
FS519 Pot-In-Pot Nursery Production System: What You Need to Know Before Establishment (4 pp.) 2/1/2005
FS521 Zoysiagrass Lawns in New Jersey (4 pp.) 12/1/1993
FS523 Grow Your Own Vegetable and Flower Seedlings (2 pp.) 5/1/1991
FS524 Professional Boundaries with At-Risk Audiences (4 pp.) 7/16/2004
FS525 The Basics of Equine Behavior 9/30/2024
FS526 West Nile Virus in Horses: Frequently Asked Questions 10/1/2020
FS527 Soybean Aphid (2 pp.) 8/23/2004
FS528 Management of Container Nursery Plant Material During Cold Weather (7 pp.) 2/19/2015
FS529 Point/Nonpoint Source Water Quality Trading Program for New Jersey (4 pp.) 10/11/2004
FS530 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Alternative Technologies (4 pp.) 1/4/2005
FS531 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Five Levels of Protection (4 pp.) 4/8/2005
FS532 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Accessorizing Your Septic System (2 pp.) 4/13/2005
FS533 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Operating Permits (4 pp.) 8/11/2005
FS534 Recommendations for the Preparation and Storage of Calabaza (2 pp.) 10/11/2004
FS535 Establishing an Ornamental Aquatic Plant Culture Facility (4 pp.) 12/10/2004
FS536 Watershed Assessment (4 pp.) 1/4/2005
FS537 Horse Manure Management: Bedding Use 9/12/2013
FS542 How to Squeeze the Most Nutrition Out of Your Juice (4 pp.) 6/19/2013
FS543 Yellow Nutsedge Control in Landscaped Turf (2 pp.) 8/1/2001
FS544 Tall Fescue Varieties for New Jersey Sports Fields (4 pp.) 11/3/2004
FS545 Kentucky Bluegrass Varieties for New Jersey Sports Fields (4 pp.) 11/3/2004
FS546 Perennial Ryegrass Varieties for New Jersey Sports Fields (4 pp.) 11/3/2004
FS547 Diagnosing and Controlling Fungal Diseases of Tomato in the Home Garden 5/7/2020
FS548 Diagnosing and Controlling Phytophthora in the Home Garden 5/18/2020
FS549 Equipment and Laboratories for Soil Nitrate Testing (2 pp.) 10/28/2003
FS550 Planning for Municipal Water Quality: Where to Start and Questions to Ask (4 pp.) 5/24/2000
FS551 Planning for Clean Water: Using the Municipal Environmental Resource Inventory (4 pp.) 5/24/2000
FS552 Polluted Runoff in Your Municipality: Local Problems, Local Solutions (4 pp.) 5/24/2000
FS553 Highbush Blueberry: The State Fruit of New Jersey (2 pp.) 1/4/2005
FS554 Fad Diets: Healthy or Hazardous? 1/31/2024
FS555 Best Management Practices for Watering Lawns (4 pp.) 5/1/2001
FS556 New Jersey's Stormwater Regulations (2 pp.) 8/2/2005
FS557 Municipal Stormwater Management Planning (4 pp.) 8/11/2005
FS561 Growing Cole Crops in the Home Garden (4 pp.) 4/1/1991
FS571 The Cider House Rules (4 pp.) 8/1/2001
FS575 Prevent Weight Gain After You Stop Smoking or Vaping 1/22/2024
FS576 Welcome to 4-H! A Guide for New 4-H Club Members and Their Parents (4 pp.) 9/17/2003
FS577 Answers to Questions You Want to Know About 4-H (2 pp.) 9/1/2003
FS583 Operating Mowers Safely (2 pp.) 3/21/2005
FS584 Seeding Your Lawn (4 pp.) 2/27/2004
FS585 Shopping for Food Safely 11/5/2019
FS586 Storing Food Safely at Home (2 pp.) 11/1/1991
FS587 Preparing Food Safely (3 pp.) 11/1/1991
FS588 Handling Leftovers Safely 12/17/2019
FS589 Serving Food Safely 12/11/2019
FS590 Non-Point Source Pollution and Agriculture (2 pp.) 8/10/2001
FS592 Christmas Tree Management Shearing and Pruning Safely (2 pp.) 2/1/1993
FS593 Woodlot Management: Working Safely in the Woods (2 pp.) 2/1/1993
FS595 Low Water Use Landscaping (2 pp.) 1/1/1992
FS599 Principles of Low Water Use Landscaping IV: Apply Mulches (2 pp.) 7/1/2004
FS603 Pesticide Storage Facilities (2 pp.) 8/1/2001
FS604 Handling Emergency Situations on the Farm (2 pp.) 2/1/1992
FS605 Accident-Proofing Farms and Stables 6/20/2019
FS606 Safety Recommendations for the Stable, Barn Yard, and Horse/Livestock Structures 6/20/2019
FS607 Horse Trailer Maintenance and Trailering Safety 6/11/2019
FS608 Fire Prevention and Safety Measures Around the Farm 6/10/2019
FS609 Ultrasonic and Subsonic Devices for Pest Control (2 pp.) 9/1/1992
FS610 Harvesting Melons at Peak Flavor (2 pp.) 2/1/1992
FS618 Equine Barnyard Management (2 pp.) 8/10/2001
FS619 Farm Machinery and Equipment Safety Part I: Recognizing and Understanding the Hazards 8/8/2019
FS620 Farm Machinery and Equipment Safety Part II: Preventing Machinery Accidents During Operation 9/4/2019
FS622 It's Your Choice...Living Wills (2 pp.) 4/1/1992
FS623 Decision Making, Communication, and Living Wills (2 pp.) 4/1/1992
FS624 Community Gardening (2 pp.) 3/1/1992
FS625 Lead Poisoning and Your Child's Health (2 pp.) 7/1/1999
FS626 Fertilizing the Home Vegetable Garden (4 pp.) 8/1/2003
FS627 Leaf Analysis for Fruit Trees (2 pp.) 12/1/2001
FS629 A Guide to Herbicide Additives (4 pp.) 4/1/1992
FS632 Correction of Manganese Deficiency in Alfalfa (2 pp.) 4/19/2004
FS633 Fertilizing the Home Lawn (4 pp.) 1/19/2003
FS635 Managing Soil pH for Turfgrasses (4 pp.) 8/27/2003
FS638 Sticky Board Traps for Greenhouses (2 pp.) 10/28/2003
FS640 Greenhouse Screening for Insect Control (2 pp.) 2/1/2002
FS656 Are You 'Stressing Out' Your Horse? 10/15/2024
FS657 Irrigation Scheduling with Tensiometers (4 pp.) 3/1/1995
FS658 Irrigation Scheduling with the Feel Method (3 pp.) 12/1/1992
FS661 Preventing Low Back Pain in Agriculture (2 pp.) 9/1/1992
FS662 Helicopter Evacuation Checklist (2 pp.) 9/1/1992
FS665 Northern and Western Corn Rootworm Beetles in New Jersey (2 pp.) 1/1/1993
FS666 Blue Alfalfa Aphid in New Jersey (2 pp.) 8/1/1994
FS667 Black Vine Weevil: Life Cycle, Monitoring, and Pest Management in New Jersey (2 pp.) 9/1/2001
FS668 Surviving a Coast Guard Examination (2 pp.) 9/1/1992
FS669 Care and Use of Immersion Suits (2 pp.) 9/1/1992
FS670 Boundary Line Requirements (4 pp.) 9/1/1992
FS672 Starting an Urban Community Garden (2 pp.) 11/1/1994
FS674 Utilizando Cortadoras Mecanicas de una Forma Segura (Operating Mowers Safely) (2 pp.) 4/1/1993
FS676 Bindweed Identification and Control (2 pp.) 3/1/1993
FS677 Preventing Cold-Related Illnesses in Agricultural Workers (2 pp.) 2/1/1993
FS678 Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden 1/4/2021
FS681 Varieties for New Jersey Home Vegetable Gardeners (4 pp.) 9/12/2011
FS682 Cherry Varieties for New Jersey (4 pp.) 12/1/2001
FS683 Organic Certification of Farms and Farm Products (2 pp.) 6/8/2004
FS684 Turfgrass Seed Selection for Home Lawns (4 pp.) 5/1/1995
FS685 Nurseries and Nursery Dealers with Fruit Trees for New Jersey (3 pp.) 12/19/2012
FS688 Fine Fescues: Low-Maintenance Species for Turf (2 pp.) 9/1/1996
FS689 Spring Black Stem (2 pp.) 7/1/1993
FS690 Recommended Planting Dates for Common New Jersey Hay and Grain Crops (2 pp.) 6/1/2009
FS692 Horticultural Therapy (2 pp.) 8/1/1993
FS701 Restoring Emotional Balance After a Disaster (2 pp.) 1/30/2014
FS702 Helping Children Recover From Disasters (3 pp.) 1/30/2014
FS714 Analysis of Feeds and Forages for Horses 1/24/2025
FS716 Stress Management for Equine Athletes 6/19/2024
FS718 On-Farm Use of Leaves: Regulations (2 pp.) 11/1/1998
FS719 Soil Fertility Test Interpretation - Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium (4 pp.) 10/13/2006
FS720 Copper: Evaluating Micronutrient Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (3 pp.) 5/31/2010
FS721 Zinc - Evaluating Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (4 pp.) 12/16/2010
FS722 Drug Residues: An Issue the Dairy Industry Must Eliminate (4 pp.) 9/1/1993
FS723 Farm Labor Camps (4 pp.) 4/1/1997
FS724 Farm Worker Field Sanitation (2 pp.) 4/1/1997
FS725 The Americans With Disability Act of 1990 (4 pp.) 10/1/1993
FS726 Unemployment Compensation - Agricultural Workers (2 pp.) 10/1/1993
FS727 Crew Leaders and Agricultural Workers (2 pp.) 4/1/1997
FS728 Child Labor (2 pp.) 4/1/1997
FS729 Agricultural Recruitment System (ARS) (1 p.) 10/1/1993
FS731 Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (2 pp.) 10/1/1993
FS732 Transport of Farm Workers (2 pp.) 4/1/1997
FS733 Income Tax Withholding (2 pp.) 10/1/1993
FS734 Authorized Farmworkers (Immigration Reform) (2 pp.) 10/1/1993
FS735 Lead Poisoning and Nutrition (2 pp.) 11/1/1993
FS736 Why Mosquitoes Cannot Transmit AIDS (2 pp.) 9/1/1993
FS737 Questions Regarding Eastern Equine Encephalitis and Horses 10/2/2020
FS738 New Jersey Seed Standards for Sod Certification (4 pp.) 7/1/2001
FS740 Thatch Management in Turf (4 pp.) 4/1/1994
FS741 Protection for Agriculture Via Tariffs: Costs and Benefits (2 pp.) 11/1/1993
FS743 Sustained Damage to Agriculture from Air Pollution (2 pp.) 11/1/1993
FS744 Preferential Trading Arrangements (2 pp.) 11/1/1993
FS745 Hard Clam Aquaculture in New Jersey (4 pp.) 3/1/2003
FS746 BST and Our Milk Supply (4 pp.) 11/1/1993
FS747 Preventing Heat Stress in Agriculture 5/22/2024
FS748 What is IPM? (2 pp.) 3/1/1999
FS749 Feeding the Dairy Herd When Forage Supplies are Limited (4 pp.) 12/1/1993
FS750 Establishing Blueberries in the Home Garden (2 pp.) 1/4/2005
FS751 The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: Life Cycle, Monitoring, and Pest Management in New Jersey (2 pp.) 3/30/2004
FS753 Animal Rights versus Animal Welfare (3 pp.) 7/13/2010
FS755 Will Bovine Somatotropin Be Profitable for You? (4 pp.) 2/1/1994
FS760 Presidedress Soil Nitrate Test (PSNT) Recommendations for Sweet Corn (2 pp.) 9/26/2003
FS761 Cleaning Pesticide-Contaminated Clothing (2 pp.) 4/1/1994
FS764 Beef Cow Condition Scoring (4 pp.) 7/1/1994
FS765 The Greenhouse Nursery and Sod Sector in New Jersey (2 pp.) 7/1/1994
FS767 Soil pH Measurement with a Portable Meter (2 pp.) 8/1/1994
FS780 Controlling Mosquitoes Around the Home (2 pp.) 10/1/1994
FS783 Lacebugs: Life Cycle, Monitoring, and Pest Management in New Jersey (4 pp.) 9/1/2001
FS784 A High-Productivity Annual Strawberry Production System (4 pp.) 1/1/2001
FS786 Six Ways to Keep Your Newly Planted Tree Alive and Healthy (2 pp.) 10/1/1999
FS787 Starting Vegetable Seeds Indoors (3 pp.) 2/26/2014
FS788 Equine Welfare: A New World for Equine Athletes 6/19/2024
FS790 The Summer Flounder or Fluke (4 pp.) 10/1/1995
FS792 Tofu: Nutritious and Versatile (4 pp.) 8/29/2003
FS793 Using Irrigation Water Tests to Predict and Prevent Clogging of Drip Irrigation Systems (2 pp.) 6/1/1995
FS794 Preventive Maintenance for Irrigation Equipment (2 pp.) 6/1/1995
FS795 Treating Drip Irrigation Systems with Chlorine (4 pp.) 4/1/1997
FS796 Controlling Bacteria, Algae, and Weeds in Irrigation Ponds (2 pp.) 6/1/1995
FS797 Soil Testing for Home Lawns and Gardens (2 pp.) 8/27/2003
FS798 An Integrated Approach to Red Thread and Pink Patch Disease Control in Landscape Turf (2 pp.) 6/1/1995
FS799 Maintenance of the "Easy Keeper" Horse (4 pp.) 12/1/2001
FS800 Farmer-to-Consumer Direct-Marketing Operations: Issues and Analysis (2 pp.) 8/1/1995
FS802 Threshold for Common Field Crop Insect and Weed Pests in New Jersey (4 pp.) 8/1/1995
FS805 Vermicomposting (Worm Composting) (2 pp.) 8/1/1995
FS806 Yard Trimmings Management Strategies in New Jersey (2 pp.) 8/1/1995
FS811 Home Composting (4 pp.) 8/29/2003
FS812 Fundamentals of Container Media Management: Part I (3 pp.) 11/25/2014
FS813 So You Want to Be a Food Manufacturer... (4 pp.) 9/1/1995
FS814 Managing Diseases of Landscape Turf (4 pp.) 9/1/1995
FS816 Fungus Gnats in the Greenhouse (2 pp.) 9/1/1995
FS819 Organic Foods: What Do We Mean? (2 pp.) 3/30/2004
FS820 On-Farm Leaf Mulching: Getting Started (2 pp.) 3/1/1996
FS821 On-Farm Leaf Mulching: Leaf Application, Incorporation, and Economics (2 pp.) 3/1/1996
FS822 On-Farm Leaf Mulching: Effects on Soils, Crop Yield, and Pests (2 pp.) 3/1/1996
FS824 Plant Nutrients in Municipal Leaves (2 pp.) 11/1/1998
FS828 Biological Control of Insect Pests of the Greenhouse (4 pp.) 4/1/1996
FS829 How to Protect Water Quality and Have a Beautiful Lawn: Ten Steps to Proper Fertilization (2 pp.) 1/1/1996
FS830 Home Inspection (2 pp.) 5/1/1996
FS833 Prevent Formaldehyde Contamination (4 pp.) 7/1/1996
FS834 Dust, Air Cleaners, and Health (4 pp.) 7/1/1996
FS835 Home Humidifiers and Health (2 pp.) 7/1/1996
FS836 Carbon Monoxide and Other Combustion Products (4 pp.) 7/1/1996
FS839 How to Calculate the Amount of Fertilizer Needed for Your Lawn (4 pp.) 10/31/2003
FS840 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: The Maintenance and Care of Your Septic System (4 pp.) 1/4/2005
FS845 The Asian Tiger Mosquito in New Jersey (2 pp.) 4/1/1996
FS846 Food Irradiation Q&A: Questions and Answers About the Safety and Effectiveness of Food Irradiation (4 pp.) 4/1/1996
FS847 Using Slow- and Controlled-Release Fertilizers in Container Nursery Crops (4 pp.) 5/1/1996
FS848 Monitoring and Managing Soluble Salts in Ornamental Plant Production (3 pp.) 12/19/2014
FS849 Cover Crops and Green Manure Crops: Benefits, Selection, and Use (4 pp.) 5/1/1996
FS854 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act Legislation (2 pp.) 6/1/1996
FS858 Commodity Programs of the Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform (FAIR) Act of 1996 (2 pp.) 7/1/1996
FS859 The Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform (FAIR) Act of 1996; The Conservation Title (4 pp.) 7/1/1996
FS862 Hints for Household Water Conservation (2 pp.) 8/28/2003
FS863 Eat Your Way to Better Health With Fruits and Vegetables (4 pp.) 9/1/1996
FS865 New Jersey 4-H Program Overview (2 pp.) 3/1/1997
FS866 Using Horticultural Oils (4 pp.) 3/1/1997
FS867 Products and Promotions That Have Limited Value for Mosquito Control (2 pp.) 12/1/1996
FS869 Measuring Impact of Educational Programs (4 pp.) 3/1/2002
FS871 Understanding Fertilizer Labels (2 pp.) 4/1/1997
FS872 New Jersey 4-H Independent Project (4 pp.) 10/16/1997
FS873 Boron: Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (4 pp.) 6/16/2009
FS874 Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) (4 pp.) 6/1/1998
FS875 Oak Leaf Scorch (2 pp.) 12/1/1998
FS876 An Integrated Approach to the Control of Canker Diseases in Woody Ornamentals, II. Black Knot of Prunus (2 pp.) 12/1/1998
FS877 An Integrated Approach to Control of Canker Diseases in Woody Ornamentals, III. Perennial Nectria Canker (2 pp.) 12/1/1998
FS878 Foliar Nematodes in Ornamental Plants (2 pp.) 12/1/1998
FS879 Diagnosing Alfalfa Problems in New Jersey (4 pp.) 5/27/1997
FS880 Managing Wireworms in New Jersey's Field Crops (4 pp.) 5/27/1997
FS881 Fundamentals of Container Media Management, Part 2, Measuring Physical Properties (2 pp.) 6/1/1997
FS884 Heat Stress and Feeding Management (4 pp.) 7/1/1997
FS885 Field Nursery for Hard Clam Seed (4 pp.) 3/1/2003
FS886 Ostrich, Emu, and Rhea Production 10/25/2024
FS888 Portable Electric Fencing for Preventing Wildlife Damage (2 pp.) 2/1/1998
FS889 High-Tensile Woven Wire Fences for Reducing Wildlife Damage (4 pp.) 3/1/2010
FS890 The Rutgers Cooperative Extension Process for Curriculum Development and Acquisition for 4-H/Youth Audiences (2 pp.) 8/20/2004
FS891 The Learn-By-Doing Approach to Life Skill Development (2 pp.) 11/1/2001
FS892 Enliven Teaching and Learning with a Variety of Instructional Methods (4 pp.) 2/1/1998
FS893 Evaluating Water Quality for Ornamental Plant Production (5 pp.) 1/30/2015
FS894 Diagnosis of Nutritional Problems in Horses (4 pp.) 12/23/1997
FS895 Feeding the Rapidly Growing Foal (2 pp.) 2/9/1998
FS896 Consumer Concerns About Pesticide Residues (2 pp.) 2/9/1998
FS897 Consumer Response Toward IPM-Grown Produce (2 pp.) 2/13/1998
FS898 Consumer Response to Low-Input Agriculture (2 pp.) 3/23/1998
FS899 Consumer Perceptions of Organic Produce (2 pp.) 3/23/1998
FS900 Frequently Asked Questions About Mosquitoes (2 pp.) 2/1/1998
FS901 Topsoil Suitable for Landscape Use (2 pp.) 9/1/2003
FS902 Liming New Jersey Soils for Fruit Crops (4 pp.) 2/24/1998
FS903 Liming New Jersey Soils for Field and Forage Crops (4 pp.) 2/24/1998
FS904 Liming New Jersey Soils for Vegetable Crops (4 pp.) 2/24/1998
FS905 Agricultural Liming Materials (4 pp.) 2/27/1998
FS914 Characteristics and Needs of Direct Marketing Consumers in New Jersey (2 pp.) 6/22/1998
FS915 Principles of Animal Husbandry for Shellfish Culturists (4 pp.) 3/1/2003
FS917 Llamas and Alpacas 8/30/2024
FS918 Medical Savings Accounts: An Overview (2 pp.) 8/21/1998
FS919 Medical Savings Account: Contributions and Distributions (4 pp.) 8/21/1998
FS921 Conserving Water on Home Lawns and Landscapes in New Jersey (4 pp.) 7/1/2004
FS922 Pet Waste and Water Quality (2 pp.) 8/18/1998
FS923 Preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences (2 pp.) 3/21/2005
FS924 Home Landscape Practices for Water Quality Protection (2 pp.) 10/28/2003
FS925 Polluted Runoff and You: Solution for Your Home and Environment (4 pp.) 10/1/1998
FS926 Use of Oxygen Readings to Avoid Gas Bubble Disease in Clam Hatcheries (4 pp.) 3/1/2003
FS927 Phragmites: Occurrence and Management (2 pp.) 12/8/1998
FS928 Bienvenidos a 4-H! Una Guia para los Miembros Nuevos del Club de 4-H y sus Padres (4 pp.) 9/19/2003
FS929 Respuestas a Preguntas que tiene sobre 4-H (2 pp.) 9/19/2003
FS930 Natural Pest Control - Using Beneficial Insects to Control Landscape Pests (2 pp.) 8/1/2003
FS931 Cooperative Marketing Associations in New Jersey (2 pp.) 6/30/2003
FS932 Weed Control Guide for Christmas Trees, Part 1: At Plantation Establishment (4 pp.) 3/3/1999
FS933 Weed Control Guide for Christmas Trees, Part 2: Established Plantation (4 pp.) 3/3/1999
FS934 Feeding Horses for Competitions: From Racing to Dressage (4 pp.) 12/11/1998
FS935 Feed and Forage Testing Labs (2 pp.) 3/1/1999
FS936 Getting Started with an Effective Integrated Pest Management Program (4 pp.) 3/24/1999
FS937 Farm Safety Tips for Children (4 pp.) 3/26/1999
FS938 Poisonous Weeds in Horse Pastures (6 pp.) 5/23/2013
FS939 Container Nursery Weed Control: Bittercress, Groundsel, and Oxalis (4 pp.) 5/4/1999
FS940 Air Cleaners (2 pp.) 4/13/1999
FS941 Potato Leafhopper Resistant Alfalfa (2 pp.) 5/31/1999
FS942 Phytochemicals and Functional Foods: Super Foods for Optimal Health (4 pp.) 6/22/1999
FS943 Choosing Appropriate Research Methods to Evaluate Educational Programs (4 pp.) 10/13/2003
FS944 Roses and Their Care (2 pp.) 9/1/2003
FS945 Bison Husbandry 7/22/2024
FS947 It's Time to Snack Smart (2 pp.) 4/1/2013
FS948 Handle with Care: Keep Your Child's Food Safe (2 pp.) 7/15/1999
FS949 Handle with Care: Guidelines for Safe Storage and Use of Mother's Milk (3 pp.) 1/31/2012
FS950 Handle with Care: Keeping Baby's Formula Germ-free (2 pp.) 7/15/1999
FS951 Land Application of Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) #1: Questions to Ask Before Considering Application on Farmland (2 pp.) 7/1/1999
FS952 Land Application of Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) #2: Regulations and Guidelines (4 pp.) 7/1/1999
FS953 Land Application of Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) #3: Different Types of Sewage Sludge (4 pp.) 7/1/1999
FS954 Land Application of Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) #4: Guidelines for Land Application in Agriculture (6 pp.) 7/1/1999
FS955 Land Application of Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) #5: Heavy Metals (4 pp.) 7/1/1999
FS956 Land Application of Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) #6: Soil Amendments and Heavy Metals (4 pp.) 7/1/1999
FS957 Land Application of Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) #7: Organic Contaminants (4 pp.) 7/1/1999
FS958 Land Application of Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) #8: Pathogens (4 pp.) 7/1/1999
FS959 Priorities For Clean-Up and Repair: Flood Clean-Up Series #1 (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS960 Reconditioning Flooded Electrical Appliances: Flood Clean-Up Series #2 (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS961 Cleaning and Repairing Flooded Basements: Flood Clean-Up Series #3 (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS962 Checking Damaged Buildings: Flood Clean-Up Series #4 (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS963 Salvaging Flooded Wooden Furniture: Flood Clean-Up Series #5 (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS964 Cleaning Flooded Floors and Woodwork: Flood Clean-Up Series #6 (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS965 Cleaning Flood-Soiled Rugs and Carpets: Flood Clean-Up Series #7 (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS966 Cleaning Flood-Soiled Pillows and Mattresses, Blankets, Quilts, and Linens: Flood Clean-Up Series #8 (4 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS967 Cleaning Flood-Soiled Clothing: Flood Clean-Up Series #9 (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS968 Reconditioning Flooded Electric Motors: Flood Clean-Up Series #10 (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS969 Restoring Electrical Service After a Flood: Flood Clean-Up Series #11 (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS970 Flooding, Mold, and Your Health: Flood Clean-Up Series #12 (4 pp.) 5/10/2004
FS971 Iron: Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (4 pp.) 11/1/2000
FS972 Molybdenum: Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (2 pp.) 11/1/2000
FS973 Manganese: Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (4 pp.) 12/21/2000
FS974 Chloride: Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (2 pp.) 11/1/2000
FS975 Financial Preparedness Strategies to Cope With a Natural Disaster or Other Emergency (4 pp.) 8/1/2001
FS976 Handling Disaster-Related Financial Stress (2 pp.) 8/1/2001
FS977 Home Insurance Tips: Before and After a Disaster (2 pp.) 8/1/2001
FS978 Caring for Important Records and Papers: Before and After a Disaster (4 pp.) 8/1/2001
FS979 Tax Information for Disaster Victims (4 pp.) 8/1/2001
FS980 Beware: Disaster-Related Scams (4 pp.) 8/1/2001
FS981 Understanding Life Change (2 pp.) 10/1/2001
FS982 So You Want to Make a Change (4 pp.) 10/1/2001
FS983 Making a Change: Priorities, Goal Setting and Action (4 pp.) 10/1/2001
FS984 Making a Change: Keys to Success (2 pp.) 10/1/2001
FS987 Integrated Management of Thrips on Greenhouse Ornamentals (4 pp.) 10/1/2001
FS988 Picking Vegetables in the Home Garden (4 pp.) 10/1/2001
FS989 Perennial Ryegrass Varieties for New Jersey (4 pp.) 2/1/2002
FS990 Tall Fescue Varieties for New Jersey (4 pp.) 2/1/2002
FS991 Washing Away Misconceptions About Gloves and Handwashing (4 pp.) 3/1/2002
FS992 Growing Hops in the Backyard (4 pp.) 1/1/2002
FS993 Getting to Know Portion Sizes 12/3/2024
FS994 Sudangrass and Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrids (2 pp.) 2/11/2002
FS995 A Step-By-Step Guide to Developing Effective Questionnaires and Survey Procedures for Program Evaluation & Research (6 pp.) 2/1/2002
FS996 Choosing a Data Collection Method for Survey Research (2 pp.) 2/1/2002
FS997 Maximizing Response Rate and Controlling Nonresponse Error in Survey Research (2 pp.) 2/1/2002
FS998 Compliance with Regulations for Protection of Human Research Subjects in Program Evaluation and Research (4 pp.) 8/21/2003
FTGS Fresh Tastes from the Garden State (191 pp.) 11/20/2002
GROW1 A Practical Guide for Integrated Weed Management in Mid-Atlantic Grain Crops (143 pp.) 9/1/2019
NJHAS Home*A*Syst for the Barnaget Bay Watershed (124 pp.) 1/1/1996
NJHAS2 Home*A*Syst for New Jersey (114 pp.) 8/13/1998
NRAC101-2008 Planning for Success in Your Aquaculture Business 1/1/2008
NRAC102-2008 Freshwater Aquaculture Species for the Northeast 1/1/2008
NRAC103-2008 Marine Aquaculture Species for the Northeast 1/1/2008
NRAC104-2008 Aquaculture Systems for the Northeast 1/1/2008
NRAC105-2008 Environmental Effects of Shellfish Aquaculture in the Northeast 1/1/2008
NRAC106-2008 Fish Health Inspections: What Are They 1/1/2008
NRAC107-2008 Aquaculture Risk Management 1/1/2008
NRAC212-2010 Shellfish Upweller Silo Construction: 101 (8 pp.) 12/31/2010
NRAC220-2013 Dead and Dying Shellfish: What to Do? (6 pp.) 12/31/2013
NRACAMG-2014 Northeastern U.S. Aquaculture Management Guide (288 pp.) 1/1/2014
NRACBMP-2010 Best Management Practices for the East Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Industry (84 pp.) 6/1/2010
PPA1 Chemical Control of Turfgrass Diseases 2020 (34 pp.) 11/1/2019
TFS03 Management Strategies to Reduce Bract Damage of Poinsettia (4 pp.) 4/20/2000
TFS05 Minimizing Oedema Problems on Ivy Geraniums (2 pp.) 12/1/1996