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Fruit and Nut Crops Fact Sheets & Bulletins

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ID Title Published
AGRS-97 The Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide for Commercial Growers (273 pp.) 1/1/2013
E002 2023/2024 New Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide (303 pp.) 6/14/2023
E359 Think Twice, Plant Once: Does a Tree Fruit Orchard Make Sense for Your Farm? 10/16/2019
E363 Active Frost Protection Methods for Your Orchard 7/15/2020
E368 Choosing Plants for a Hazelnut Orchard in New Jersey 5/4/2021
F-129R Late-season Resue Thinning with Ethephon 5/1/2009
F-130 Apple Tree Pruning and Training (English and Spanish) 4/1/2007
F-131 Enhancing Return Bloom on Apple with Plant Growth Regulators 6/1/2007
F-133 An Annual Fire Blight Management Program 5/1/2008
FS029 Insect Parasitic Nematodes for Cranberry Pest Management (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS1074 Flat Peach Varieties for New Jersey (1 p.) 6/6/2008
FS1083 Plum Varieties for New Jersey (2 pp.) 6/26/2008
FS1087 Cranberry Weevil in Blueberries (2 pp.) 7/17/2009
FS1114 Cranberry Fruitworm: A Pest of Blueberries in New Jersey (2 pp.) 10/26/2009
FS1180 Pruning Beach Plums for Fruit Production (2 pp.) 3/30/2012
FS1201 Yellow-Fleshed Peach Varieties for New Jersey Commercial and Home Orchardists (9 pp.) 3/15/2013
FS1203 White-Fleshed Peach Varieties for New Jersey Commercial and Home Orchardists (5 pp.) 3/15/2013
FS1204 Nectarine Varieties For New Jersey Commercial and Home Orchardists (6 pp.) 3/15/2013
FS1206 Planning to Start a Vineyard in New Jersey (4 pp.) 9/30/2013
FS1252 Evaluate Your Wine Grape Planting Material Before Planting (2 pp.) 1/4/2016
FS1258 Ultra-Niche Crop Series: Plasticulture Strawberries Postharvest Handling & Food Safety (3 pp.) 9/29/2016
FS1259 Ultra-Niche Crop Series: Plasticulture Strawberries (3 pp.) 9/30/2016
FS1260 Red Leaves in the Vineyard: Biotic and Abiotic Causes (4 pp.) 10/13/2016
FS1264 Hilling-Up to Prevent Winter Injury in Vineyards (3 pp.) 1/11/2017
FS1297 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Beach Plum 10/10/2018
FS1299 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Pick-Your-Own (PYO) Blueberries 10/16/2018
FS1300 Five New Peach and Nectarine Varieties for New Jersey Commercial and Home Orchardists 1/30/2019
FS1303 Classic and Novel Dessert Apple Varieties for Commercial Orchards in New Jersey 4/11/2019
FS1354 Major Insect Pests of Cranberries in New Jersey 9/6/2023
FS1357 Fescue Grasses as Permanent Cover Between Rows of Blueberry 3/27/2024
FS1361 Anthracnose Fruit Rot in Highbush Blueberry 2/3/2025
FS1363 Scald in Cranberry Fruit: Part 1 Understanding Causes 2/6/2025
FS317 Extraction of Blueberry Maggot Larvae from Harvested Blueberry Fruit (4 pp.) 3/22/2001
FS319 Turfgrass for Orchard and Nursery Floor Management (4 pp.) 10/1/2000
FS511 Mummy Berry: An Important Disease of Highbush Blueberry (4 pp.) 1/27/2005
FS512 Botrytis Blossom Blight in Highbush Blueberry 11/13/2024
FS571 The Cider House Rules (4 pp.) 8/1/2001
FS627 Leaf Analysis for Fruit Trees (2 pp.) 12/1/2001
FS682 Cherry Varieties for New Jersey (4 pp.) 12/1/2001
FS685 Nurseries and Nursery Dealers with Fruit Trees for New Jersey (3 pp.) 12/19/2012
FS784 A High-Productivity Annual Strawberry Production System (4 pp.) 1/1/2001
FS902 Liming New Jersey Soils for Fruit Crops (4 pp.) 2/24/1998