Grow Healthy with FCHS will inspire and train schools (early care - high school) to work collaboratively with students, staff, families and community members to create environments that provide access to safe play, nutritious foods, water, and activities that support the growth, development and learning of children and teens.
Grow Healthy with FCHS helps build and sustain a healthier school or childcare setting by:
- Promoting healthy foods in school meals, beverages, and snacks
- Training school nutrition professionals to implement strategies to increase healthful eating and identify opportunities to purchase more locally grown produce.
- Working together to develop wellness policies and active wellness councils.
- Training teachers or volunteers to integrate food, nutrition, and wellness lessons into classroom learning.
- Supporting initiatives to create safe play spaces and increase physical activity throughout the school day.
- Providing direction to create edible school gardens.
- Identifying strategies to engage families in wellness.
- Supporting staff wellness and encouraging them to be role models for students.