- Crop SWOT Analysis Template (336k PDF)
- Demographics and the Marketing of Asian Ethnic Produce in the Mid-Atlantic States. (PDF)
- Demographics and the Marketing of Asian and Hispanic Produce in the Eastern Coastal U.S.A. (PDF)
- Ethnic Herbs and Greens Crop Production Manual (4.3MB PDF)
- Identification of Ethnic Greens and Herbs for the East Coast United States of America: Focus Group and Survey Methods Approach (PDF)
- Impact of Production System and Cultivar on Yields of Roselle (Hybiscus sabdariffa) Leaves and Calyces
- Locally Grown Ethnic Greens and Herbs: Demand Assessments and Production Opportunities for East Coast Farmers (PDF)
- Survey Methods and Identification of Ethnic Crops for the East Coast in the USA: A Procedural Synopsis (PDF)
- Ultra-Niche Crop Series: Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Production and Marketing in New Jersey Fact Sheet