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Field and Forage Crops Fact Sheets & Bulletins

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ID Title Published
E189 A Guide to Early-Season Corn Insect Injury in New Jersey (8 pp.) 5/1/1995
FS666 Blue Alfalfa Aphid in New Jersey (2 pp.) 8/1/1994
FS632 Correction of Manganese Deficiency in Alfalfa (2 pp.) 4/19/2004
FS1116 Crop Residue as a Potential Bioenergy Resource (4 pp.) 12/18/2009
FS879 Diagnosing Alfalfa Problems in New Jersey (4 pp.) 5/27/1997
E374 Emerging Diseases of Hemp in New Jersey 3/1/2023
FS935 Feed and Forage Testing Labs (2 pp.) 3/1/1999
FS446 Grazing Restrictions for Pasture Herbicides (2 pp.) 3/1/2001
FS510 Growing an (2 pp.) 6/28/2004
FS1343 Hemp Production for Fiber 6/8/2022
FS1302 Industrial Hemp Production in New Jersey: Frequently Asked Questions 2/5/2020
FS1312 Introduction to Industrial Hemp - Basic Production Agronomy 11/6/2019
FS880 Managing Wireworms in New Jersey's Field Crops (4 pp.) 5/27/1997
E318 New Jersey Sorghum Variety Trial 2006 (2 pp.) 9/14/2007
E041a New Jersey Soybean Variety Trial Test Results, 2005 (5 pp.) 4/5/2006
E197E New Jersey Wheat Variety Trial Test Results, 2001 (6 pp.) 7/24/2001
FS014 Nutrient Removal Values for Field and Forage Crops (2 pp.) 10/21/2003
FS1004 Pasture Survey Method to Determine the Need for Overseeding or Renovation (2 pp.) 6/1/2002
FS174 Plant Nutrient Recommendations for Field Corn (4 pp.) 4/16/2004
FS941 Potato Leafhopper Resistant Alfalfa (2 pp.) 5/31/1999
FS690 Recommended Planting Dates for Common New Jersey Hay and Grain Crops (2 pp.) 6/1/2009
E321 Soil Fertility Recommendations for Alfalfa (8 pp.) 6/5/2009
E323 Soil Fertility Recommendations for Soybean (6 pp.) 7/14/2009
FS527 Soybean Aphid (2 pp.) 8/23/2004
FS689 Spring Black Stem (2 pp.) 7/1/1993
FS802 Threshold for Common Field Crop Insect and Weed Pests in New Jersey (4 pp.) 8/1/1995
FS1275 Ultra-Niche Crop Series: Mixed Cut Flowers for Small Farms (5 pp.) 6/20/2017
FS1279 Ultra-Niche Crops Series: Fresh-Market Basil 3/12/2018