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Food Safety

For Consumers
Photo: refrigerated foods. Photo: proper thermometer use. Photo: hand washing.

Safe Food Begins with You!

Have you ever gotten sick from something you ate? It's not a pleasant experience, and for at-risk individuals the health consequences can be very serious. Consumers say they practice good food handling, but they actually make many mistakes. Fortunately, people can avoid getting sick or causing illness in others by following simple food handling practices.

Answers to Your Questions

Community Education

Family & Community Health Sciences (FCHS) professionals provide food safety education for adults and youth in schools, community and work places. Topics include preventing foodborne illness, managing food allergies, ServSafe training, handwashing, and home food preservation. Contact the FCHS professional in your Rutgers Cooperative Extension county office for more information or to request a program.

Photo: Food Safety Practices on New Jersey Farms.
Food Safety Practices on New Jersey Farms - The New Jersey Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with the Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, developed the first statewide third-party audit system in the country to help growers evaluate their operations for food safety.
How Food Safe Is Your Home Kitchen?
How Food Safe Is Your Home Kitchen? - Food mishandling in home kitchens causes a significant amount of foodborne disease (food poisoning). The Home Kitchen Check-Up can help you identify how to reduce the risk for foodborne disease in your home kitchen.
