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Water Quality Fact Sheets & Bulletins

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ID Title Published
E330 Stormwater Management in Your Backyard - Rain Garden Outreach Manual 3/1/2011
E346a Rutgers River Friendly Business Program Morris County Program Overview (5 pp.) 1/9/2014
E346b Rutgers River Friendly Business Program Morris County Program Guidance (30 pp.) 3/14/2014
E352 Pond and Lake Management Part VII: Aquatic Invasive Species: Hydrilla (6 pp.) 12/21/2015
FS054 Managing Hazardous Household Products (4 pp.) 11/1/1999
FS1076 Pond and Lake Management Part I: Dealing with Aquatic Plants and Algal Blooms (2 pp.) 6/26/2008
FS1077 Pond and Lake Management Part II: Preventing Shoreline Erosion & Removing Sediments (1 p.) 6/26/2008
FS1078 Pond and Lake Management Part III: Controlling Geese and Other Pests (1 p.) 6/26/2008
FS1115 Regional Stormwater Management Plans (2 pp.) 1/5/2010
FS1119 Pond and Lake Management Part IV: Aquatic Invasive Species: Water Chestnut (Trapa natans) - Prevention and Management (4 pp.) 3/31/2010
FS1138 Pond and Lake Manage Part V: Making Your Water Chestnut Hand Pulling Event a Success (4 pp.) 12/19/2010
FS1162 Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting For Plant Irrigation I: Design Concepts and Water Quantity (5 pp.) 12/20/2011
FS1165 Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting for Plant Irrigation II: Water Quality and Horticultural Considerations (4 pp.) 12/20/2011
FS1170 What's Polluting our Rivers, Lakes, and Estuaries I: Phosphorus (4 pp.) 12/20/2011
FS1171 Pond and Lake Management Part VI: Using Barley Straw to Control Algae 12/20/2011
FS1195 Green Infrastructure: Converting Dry Detention Basins to Natural Ecosystems 11/29/2012
FS1209 Green Infrastructure Practices: Tree Boxes (4 pp.) 8/7/2013
FS1216 Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) in Waterways 2/19/2025
FS1231 Filamentous Algae in Waterways (3 pp.) 3/25/2014
FS1232 Parrot Feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum): A Non-Native Aquatic Plant in New Jersey Waterways (4 pp.) 7/10/2014
FS1235 Curly-leaf Pondweed (Potamogeton crispus): a Non-Native Aquatic Plant in New Jersey Waterways (3 pp.) 7/14/2014
FS1236 Coontail (Cerstophyllum demersum), a Native Aquatic Plant of New Jersey Waterways (3 pp.) 7/17/2014
FS1240 Rain Barrels and Mosquitoes (4 pp.) 11/11/2014
FS1255 Ecology and Control of the Freshwater Aquatic Plant Spatterdock (Nuphar sp.) (4 pp.) 4/7/2016
FS1349 Marine Plants & Insights Into Global Seagrass Issues with a New Jersey Focus 10/12/2022
FS351 Directions for Disinfecting a Home Well in New Jersey (4 pp.) 12/1/2000
FS353 Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water (2 pp.) 1/1/2001
FS417 Recycling Used Motor Oil in New Jersey (4 pp.) 11/1/1994
FS433 Drinking Water Standards (4 pp.) 4/8/2005
FS434 Drinking Water: What Tests Do I Need? (4 pp.) 4/16/2004
FS435 Drinking Water Treatment and Conditioning (2 pp.) 3/1/1998
FS529 Point/Nonpoint Source Water Quality Trading Program for New Jersey (4 pp.) 10/11/2004
FS530 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Alternative Technologies (4 pp.) 1/4/2005
FS531 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Five Levels of Protection (4 pp.) 4/8/2005
FS532 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Accessorizing Your Septic System (2 pp.) 4/13/2005
FS533 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Operating Permits (4 pp.) 8/11/2005
FS536 Watershed Assessment (4 pp.) 1/4/2005
FS550 Planning for Municipal Water Quality: Where to Start and Questions to Ask (4 pp.) 5/24/2000
FS551 Planning for Clean Water: Using the Municipal Environmental Resource Inventory (4 pp.) 5/24/2000
FS552 Polluted Runoff in Your Municipality: Local Problems, Local Solutions (4 pp.) 5/24/2000
FS556 New Jersey's Stormwater Regulations (2 pp.) 8/2/2005
FS557 Municipal Stormwater Management Planning (4 pp.) 8/11/2005
FS840 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: The Maintenance and Care of Your Septic System (4 pp.) 1/4/2005
FS922 Pet Waste and Water Quality (2 pp.) 8/18/1998
FS925 Polluted Runoff and You: Solution for Your Home and Environment (4 pp.) 10/1/1998
NJHAS Home*A*Syst for the Barnaget Bay Watershed (124 pp.) 1/1/1996
NJHAS2 Home*A*Syst for New Jersey (114 pp.) 8/13/1998