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Forestry Fact Sheets & Bulletins

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ID Title Published
E232 Technical and Cost-share Assistance Programs for New Jersey's Forest Landowners (6 pp.) 1/1/2001
E376 Beech Leaf Disease & Management Options 2/26/2025
FS032 New Jersey Forest Stewardship Series: Crop Tree Management Practice Standards (2 pp.) 2/9/2004
FS033 New Jersey Forest Stewardship Series: Wildlife Food Plots Practice Standards (4 pp.) 2/9/2004
FS034 New Jersey Forest Stewardship Series: Build Bird Nest Boxes Practice Standards (4 pp.) 2/9/2004
FS035 New Jersey Forest Stewardship Series: Build Brush Piles for Wildlife Practice Standards (4 pp.) 2/9/2004
FS081 Minimum Requirements of a Timber Sale Agreement (2 pp.) 8/10/2007
FS1212 Identification, Control, and Impact of Garlic Mustard, <i>Alliaria petiolata</i> (3 pp.) 9/3/2013
FS593 Woodlot Management: Working Safely in the Woods (2 pp.) 2/1/1993