Courses at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers University
China's Ecological, Agricultural, and Environmental Challenges and Global Impact
11:776:468 (11:704:468)
Dr. Ming Xu
Students discuss major environmental and ecological challenges in China. They explore social and political factors driving such changes, potential strategies to deal with the challenges, and expanding opportunities in conservation.
Colloquium: Agroecology
Dr. Mark Robson
A small, once-weekly course, the agroecology colloquium discusses topics ranging from plant and animal production to faith and sustainability to on-farm energy use. Students begin to identify and evaluate their values and consumption habits. Furthermore, students are encouraged to examine the current food system and agricultural issues, as well as potential solutions. Several field trips enhance students' learning experiences.
Colloquium: Pesticide Impact
Dr. Albert Ayeni, Dr. George Hamilton, Dr. Mark Robson
Students learn about pesticides, from initial development to current uses and possible future roles. Regulation, risks, and research are discussed. Experienced experts are invited to interact with students, encourage thoughtful discussion, and enhance understanding of a complex subject.
Sustainable Agriculture
Bill Hlubik
Driven by field trips and hands-on experience, this course is designed to explore the various aspects of sustainability in agriculture. Critical thinking is highly encouraged.
Direct Farm Marketing and Agritourism
Michelle Infante-Casella, Brian Schilling
"This course prepares students to successfully help develop and manage agricultural enterprises in urbanizing areas where farming opportunities involve direct retail sales to customers. The definition of agriculture and farms continues to evolve. Community farmers markets and agritourism venues are how many Americans now define agriculture; these have become the sole point of direct contact individuals have with farming. Developing students' skills to successfully manage these relationships as profitable farm business enterprises is the learning goal of this course. The course includes 1-2 field trips and active student participation. Students will prepare, present and evaluate enterprise development projects."
Fundamentals of Agroecology
Dr. Joseph Heckman
Dr. Heckman introduces students to agroecology, the study of the ecological principles and processes operating in agricultural systems. In this course, students also discuss sustainable production practices and examine current issues. Field trips play a key role.
Principles of Organic Crop Production
Dr. Joseph Heckman
In this course, students learn about the basics of organic crop production, as well as the history and culture behind the movement towards organic agriculture. Several field trips are included.
Topics in Organic Farming and Gardening
Dr. Sciarappa
On-line and hybrid options
Students are introduced to a variety of related topics, including organic history, soil fertility, compost, and pest management. The online course includes access to video lectures. Students are encouraged to complete extra credit assignments, such as touring an organic farm or photo-documenting their own organic garden.
Topics in Sustainable Agriculture
Salvatore Mangiafico
Designed for non-agriculture students, this course meets entirely online. Students are introduced to various topics within sustainable agriculture, from environmental impact to economic sustainability to social issues.
Traditional Organic Food and Farming Systems (Byrne Seminar)
Dr. Joseph Heckman
A one-credit course for first-year students, this seminar explores traditional organic food and farming systems as well as the challenge of finding whole foods in our current system. Field trips and selected readings enhance student learning.
Student Activities at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers University
The Student Farm
Adviser: Dr. Edward Durner
The Student Farm is an organic farm managed by university students. Dr. Edward Durner, professor in the Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, advises student interns and offers guidance throughout the season. With five acres under cultivation, the farm supports a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program and delivers extra produce to the local soup kitchen at Elijah's Promise.
Office of Continuing Professional Education Courses
The Office of Continuing Professional Education (OCPE) offers a variety of courses related to organic management practices and environmental sustainability.