Luanne J. Hughes, M.S., RDN

Family & Community Health Sciences Educator I (Eqv. to Professor)
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Gloucester County
Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
Shady Lane Complex
254 County House Rd.
Clarksboro, NJ 08020-1395
Phone: 856-224-8040
Fax: 856-307-6476
Expertise: Integration of health and food systems to support health and wellness; farm-to-school and school wellness initiatives; professional development programming and support in wellness policy, system and environmental change for school faculty, administration and staff; use of technology and social media in disseminating wellness messages
Luanne is a family & community health sciences educator with Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Gloucester County, based in Clayton, N.J. She is a registered dietitian (RD) with a B.S. degree in Home Economics/Dietetics from Immaculata University and a M.S. degree in Nutrition/Communications from Boston University. Luanne brings a diverse background in clinical research, marketing/public relations, pediatric nutrition, project management and nutrition education to her position with Rutgers Cooperative Extension. As a county extension agent, Luanne is responsible for conducting research, and developing and teaching a variety of family & community health sciences programs. Much of her programming addresses community food systems and nutrition topics, with emphasis on schools and children. Luanne's research interests and consumer education efforts are focused in several key areas: school wellness, community supported agriculture/ community food systems, Farm-To-School, food security, youth farmstands and school gardens. Luanne's major thrusts include: the "Seeds to Success" youth farmstand project; "Grow Healthy," a new initiative that applies garden-enhanced nutrition education to promote healthier eating and physical activity in elementary schools; "StoryTime Foods," a nutrition and foods systems education curriculum for preschool families that uses children's literature to promote healthier eating practices; The Gloucester/Salem County Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program; and a school walking club project called "Walk NJ Point to Point," which uses pedometers to help children increase physical activity by adding steps to their daily routine.