Lawn & Garden
Frequently Asked Questions

Select a topic:
- Fruit Trees
- Garden and Household Pests
- Houseplants
- Lawn Care and Landscaping
- Pesticides and Fertilizer
- Trees and Shrubs
- Vegetable Gardening and Small Fruits
- Alternative Gardens
- Blueberries
- Grapes
- Harvesting
- More Information
- Mulch and Fertilizer
- Peppers
- Starting a Garden
- Strawberries
- Taking a Soil Test
- Tomatoes
- Watering
- What To Grow
- When To Plant
- Q: When can I plant in my garden and be safe from frost damage?
- Q: When is a good time to plant vegetables?
- A: Vegetables are divided into two categories. Warm season crops like tomatoes, peppers, beans, etc. and cool season crops like lettuce, broccoli and peas. Warm season vegetables should be planted outside when all danger of frost is gone and the soil has warmed sufficiently. This depends on your last frost date, in the Somerset County area our last frost date is between April 30th and May 15. Warm season vegetables like tomatoes and peppers should not be planted until the soil has warmed sufficiently. If planted too early then the plants will not grow. If needed seeds can be started indoors. For specific information see RCE fact sheet FS787, Starting Vegetable Seeds Indoors.
- Zucchini
- Wildlife