Lawn & Garden
Frequently Asked Questions
Select a topic:
- Fruit Trees
- Garden and Household Pests
- Houseplants
- Lawn Care and Landscaping
- Pesticides and Fertilizer
- Trees and Shrubs
- Vegetable Gardening and Small Fruits
- Alternative Gardens
- Blueberries
- Grapes
- Harvesting
- More Information
- Mulch and Fertilizer
- Peppers
- Starting a Garden
- Strawberries
- Taking a Soil Test
- Tomatoes
- Q: How do I grow good tomatoes?
- Q: My tomatoes are turning black on the bottom, why?
- Q: Why don't my tomatoes have flowers?
- A: The lack of flowers can be caused by several factors such as. an excess of Nitrogen, low levels of Phosphorous, immature plants, extremes in temperature, a lack of sun, and extremes in watering. For specific information contact your local RCE office.
- Watering
- What To Grow
- When To Plant
- Zucchini
- Wildlife