Lawn & Garden
Frequently Asked Questions
Select a topic:
- Fruit Trees
- Garden and Household Pests
- Houseplants
- Lawn Care and Landscaping
- Pesticides and Fertilizer
- Trees and Shrubs
- Hiring a Tree Professional
- Moss
- Planting Trees
- Pruning
- Selecting a Tree
- Shrubs
- Q: How do I transplant a shrub?
- Q: How much mulch should I use around my shrubs?
- A: Over mulching and incorrectly mulching trees and shrubs is occurring in epidemic proportions. The mulch “volcanoes” seen around trees are detrimental to the life of the tree. Mulch material should never be more than 3 inches thick and never placed close to the trunk of the tree or shrub. To find out more about over mulching and to see how to correctly mulch trees and shrubs visit RCE fact sheet. FS099, Problems With Over-Mulching Trees and Shrubs.
- Q: When and how do you prune roses?
- Transplanting
- Watering, Fertilizing, and Mulching
- Vegetable Gardening and Small Fruits
- Wildlife