Lawn & Garden
Frequently Asked Questions
Select a topic:
- Fruit Trees
- Garden and Household Pests
- Houseplants
- Lawn Care and Landscaping
- Composting
- Fertilizing
- Q: How do I fertilize my lawn?
- Q: How do I take a soil test?
- Q: How much fertilizer do I need to spread on my lawn?
- Q: When should I fertilize my lawn?
- A: For a general overview of when to fertilize your lawn see RCE fact sheet FS102, Your Lawn and Its Care.
- Q: Where can I find more information on proper fertilizing techniques?
- Grubs
- Hiring a Lawn or Landscape Professional
- Mowing
- Mulch
- Poison Ivy
- Starting a Lawn
- Watering
- Weeds
- Pesticides and Fertilizer
- Trees and Shrubs
- Vegetable Gardening and Small Fruits
- Wildlife