Rain Barrels are a great tool for promoting water conservation and reducing stormwater runoff in a community. The resources on this page are meant to assist environmental commission members, recycling coordinators, educators, Extension Master Gardeners, garden clubs, and environmental organizations in teaching their communities about the environmental benefits of rain barrels.
These resources will provide you with:
- the skills to teach others how to build and install a rain barrel;
- the knowledge to teach others about best management practices for water conservation and stormwater management;
- the tools to conduct rain barrel activities in your communities.
The Rainwater Harvesting with Rain Barrels Trainer Manual (200MB Zip file) includes template materials which can be adapted for individual organizational needs when planning and conducting a rain barrel activity. A template scripted presentation in PowerPoint format is also included that can be used during speaking events.
For more information contact Michele Bakacs, Environmental and Resource Management Agent- Middlesex and Union Counties.