The following is a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer damage. The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension personnel, and Rutgers Master Gardeners in northern New Jersey.
Realizing that no plant is deer proof, plants in the Rarely Damaged, and Seldom Severely Damaged categories would be best for landscapes prone to deer damage. Plants Occasionally Severely Damaged and Frequently Severely Damaged are often preferred by deer and should only be planted with additional protection such as the use of fencing, repellents, etc. Success of any of these plants in the landscape will depend on local deer populations and weather conditions.
= Seldom Severely Damaged
= Occasionally Severely Damaged
= Frequently Severely Damaged
Common Name | Latin Name | Type | Rating |
Ageratum View photo of Ageratum | Ageratum houstonianum | Annuals | A |
Allegheny Spurge View photo of Allegheny Spurge | Pachysandra procumbens | Groundcovers | A |
American Holly | Ilex opaca | Trees | A |
Angel's Trumpet | Brugmansia sp. (Datura) | Annuals | A |
Anise | Pimpinalla anisum | Annuals | A |
Anise Hyssop View photo of Anise Hyssop | Agastache sp. | Perennials | A |
Annual Vinca View photo of Annual Vinca | Catharanthus rosea | Annuals | A |
Arrowwood Viburnum | Viburnum dentatum | Shrubs | A |
Autumn Crocus View photo of Autumn Crocus | Colchicum sp. | Bulbs | A |
Barberry View photo of Barberry | Berberis sp. | Shrubs | A |
Barrenwort View photo of Barrenwort | Epimedium sp. | Groundcovers | A |
Basket of Gold | Aurinia saxatilis | Perennials | A |
Bayberry | Myrica pensylvanica | Shrubs | A |
Bearberry | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | Groundcovers | A |
Big Bluestem View photo of Big Bluestem | Andropogon sp. | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Bigleaf Goldenray View photo of Bigleaf Goldenray | Ligularia dentata | Perennials | A |
Bishop's Weed View photo of Bishop's Weed | Aegopodium podagaria | Groundcovers | A |
Bleeding Heart View photo of Bleeding Heart | Dicentra spectabilis | Perennials | A |
Blue Fescue View photo of Blue Fescue | Festuca glauca | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Blue Mist Shrub View photo of Blue Mist Shrub | Caryopteris clandonensis | Shrubs | A |
Blue Oat Grass | Helictotrichon sempervirens | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Bluebell | Endymion sp. | Bulbs | A |
Bottlebrush Buckeye View photo of Bottlebrush Buckeye | Aesculus parviflora | Trees | A |
Broom | Cytisus sp. | Shrubs | A |
Bugleweed View photo of Bugleweed | Ajuga reptans | Groundcovers | A |
Bush Cinquefoil | Potentilla fruticosa | Shrubs | A |
Butter & Eggs | Linaria vulgaris | Perennials | A |
Buttercup | Ranunculus sp. | Perennials | A |
Butterfly Bush View photo of Butterfly Bush | Buddleia sp. | Shrubs | A |
Cactus | Cactaceae sp. | Perennials | A |
Catmint View photo of Catmint | Nepeta sp. | Perennials | A |
Christmas Fern View photo of Christmas Fern | Polystichum arcostichoides | Ferns | A |
Cinnamon Fern | Osmunda cinnamomea | Ferns | A |
Clump Bamboo | Fargesia sp. | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Common Boxwood View photo of Common Boxwood | Buxus sempervirens | Shrubs | A |
Common Foxglove View photo of Common Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea | Biennials | A |
Common Tansy | Tanacetum vulgare | Perennials | A |
Corydalis View photo of Corydalis | Corydalis sp. | Perennials | A |
Crown Imperial, Fritilia | Fritilaria imperialis | Bulbs | A |
Daffodil View photo of Daffodil | Narcissus sp. | Bulbs | A |
Dame's Rocket | Hesperis matronalis | Perennials | A |
Daphne View photo of Daphne | Daphne sp. | Shrubs | A |
Devil's Walking Stick | Aralia spinosa | Shrubs | A |
Drooping Leucothoe View photo of Drooping Leucothoe | Leucothoe fontanesiana | Shrubs | A |
Dusty Miller | Centaurea cineraria | Annuals | A |
Dwarf Alberta Spruce View photo of Dwarf Alberta Spruce | Picea glauca 'Conica' | Trees | A |
European Ginger View photo of European Ginger | Asarum europaeum | Perennials | A |
False Camomile | Matricaria sp. | Annuals | A |
False Indigo View photo of False Indigo | Baptisia australis | Perennials | A |
Feather Reed Grass View photo of Feather Reed Grass | Calamagrostis sp. | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Flowering Tobacco | Nicotiana sp. | Annuals | A |
Forget-Me-Not | Myosotis sp. | Perennials | A |
Forget-Me-Not View photo of Forget-Me-Not | Myosotis sylvatica | Annuals | A |
Fountain Grass View photo of Fountain Grass | Pennisetum alopecuroides | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Fragrant Sumac View photo of Fragrant Sumac | Rhus aromatica | Shrubs | A |
Fringed Bleeding Heart | Dicentra eximia | Perennials | A |
Garden Sage View photo of Garden Sage | Salvia officinalis | Perennials | A |
Germander View photo of Germander | Teucrium chamaedrys | Perennials | A |
Giant Japanese Silver Grass | Miscanthus floridulis | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Giant Reed View photo of Giant Reed | Arundo donax | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Golden Bamboo | Phyllostachys aurea | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Greek Jerusalem Sage | Phlomis sp. | Perennials | A |
Hakonechloa View photo of Hakonechloa | Hakonechloa macra | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Hard Rush | Juncus effusus | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Hayscented Fern View photo of Hayscented Fern | Dennstaedtia punctilobula | Ferns | A |
Heath | Erica sp. | Shrubs | A |
Heather | Calliuna sp. | Shrubs | A |
Heliotrope | Heliotropium arborescens | Annuals | A |
Holly Fern | Cyrtomium falcatum | Ferns | A |
Horehound | Marrubium vulgare | Perennials | A |
Horseradish | Armoracia rusticana | Perennials | A |
Hyssop | Hyssopus officinalis | Perennials | A |
Indian Grass | Sorghastrum nutans | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Iris View photo of Iris (2) | Iris sp. | Perennials | A |
Jack-in-the-pulpit | Arisaema triphylum | Perennials | A |
Japanese Black Pine | Pinus thunbergiana | Trees | A |
Japanese Blood Grass View photo of Japanese Blood Grass | Imperata cylindrica | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Japanese Painted Fern View photo of Japanese Painted Fern | Athyrium goeringianum (nipponicum) | Ferns | A |
Japanese Pieris, Andromeda View photo of Japanese Pieris, Andromeda | Pieris japonica | Shrubs | A |
Japanese Plum Yew View photo of Japanese Plum Yew | Cephalotaxus harringtonia | Shrubs | A |
Japanese Sedge View photo of Japanese Sedge | Carex sp. | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Japanese Silver Grass View photo of Japanese Silver Grass | Miscanthus sinensis | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Japanese Skimmia | Skimmia japonica | Shrubs | A |
Japanese Sweet Flag | Acorus sp. | Ornamental Grasses | A |
John T. Morris Holly | Ilex x 'John T. Morris' | Shrubs | A |
Katsura Tree | Cercidiphyllum japonicum | Trees | A |
Lamb's Ear View photo of Lamb's Ear | Stachys byzantina | Perennials | A |
Large Blue June Grass | Koeleria glauca | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Larkspur | Consolida ambigua | Annuals | A |
Lavendar | Lavandula sp. | Perennials | A |
Lavender-Cotton | Santolina chamaecyparissus | Perennials | A |
Leatherleaf Mahonia View photo of Leatherleaf Mahonia | Mahonia bealei | Shrubs | A |
Lemon Balm | Melissa officinalis | Perennials | A |
Lenten or Christmas Rose View photo of Lenten or Christmas Rose | Helleborus sp. | Perennials | A |
Lily of the Valley View photo of Lily of the Valley | Convallaria majalis | Groundcovers | A |
Little Bluestem | Schizachyrium scoparium | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Lungwort View photo of Lungwort | Pulmonaria sp. | Perennials | A |
Lydia Morris Holly | Ilex x 'Lydia Morris' | Shrubs | A |
Lyme Grass View photo of Lyme Grass | Leymus arenarius glaucous | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Marjoram | Majorana | Perennials | A |
May Apple | Podophyllum | Perennials | A |
Meadow Rue | Thalictrum sp. | Perennials | A |
Mimosa View photo of Mimosa | Albizia julibrissin | Trees | A |
Mint | Mentha sp. | Perennials | A |
Monkshood | Aconitum sp. | Perennials | A |
Moonglow Juniper | Juniperus scopulorum 'Moonglow' | Shrubs | A |
Mountain Pieris | Pieris floribunda | Shrubs | A |
New York Fern View photo of New York Fern | Thelyptens noveboracensis | Ferns | A |
Northern Sea Oats View photo of Northern Sea Oats | Chasmanthium latifolium | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Oregano View photo of Oregano | Origanum sp. | Perennials | A |
Oregon Grape Holly View photo of Oregon Grape Holly | Mahonia aquifolium | Shrubs | A |
Oriental Fountain Grass View photo of Oriental Fountain Grass | Pennisetum orientale | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Ornamental Onion View photo of Ornamental Onion | Allium sp. | Perennials | A |
Ornamental Onion View photo of Ornamental Onion | Allium sp. | Bulbs | A |
Ostrich Fern | Matteuccia struthiopteris | Ferns | A |
Pachysandra View photo of Pachysandra | Pachysandra terminalis | Groundcovers | A |
Pampus Grass | Cortaderia selloana | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Paper Birch | Betula papyrifera | Trees | A |
Pawpaw View photo of Pawpaw | Asimina triloba | Trees | A |
Peony View photo of Peony (2) | Paeonia sp. | Perennials | A |
Pitch Pine | Pinus rigida | Trees | A |
Poppy View photo of Poppy | Papaver sp. | Annuals | A |
Pot Marigold View photo of Pot Marigold | Calendula sp. | Annuals | A |
Potentilla, Cinquefoil | Potentilla sp. | Perennials | A |
Prince of Wales Juniper | Juniperus horizontalis 'Prince of Wales' | Shrubs | A |
Purple Moor Grass | Molinia caerulea | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Purple Rock-Cress | Aubretia deltoidea | Perennials | A |
Ravenna Grass View photo of Ravenna Grass | Erianthus ravennae | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Red Elderberry | Sambucus racemosa | Shrubs | A |
Red Pine | Pinus resinosa | Trees | A |
River Birch | Betula nigra | Trees | A |
Rock-Cress | Arabis caucasica | Perennials | A |
Rocket Ligularia View photo of Rocket Ligularia | Ligularia 'The Rocket' | Perennials | A |
Rodgers Flower | Rodgersia sp. | Perennials | A |
Rose Campion | Lychnis coronaria | Perennials | A |
Rosemary | Rosmarinus officinalis | Annuals | A |
Royal Fern | Osmunda regalis | Ferns | A |
Rue | Ruta sp. | Perennials | A |
Russian Cypress View photo of Russian Cypress | Microbiota decussata | Shrubs | A |
Russian Olive | Elaeagnus angustifolia | Shrubs | A |
Russian Sage View photo of Russian Sage | Perovskio atriplicifolia | Perennials | A |
Sensitive Fern | Onoclea sensibilis | Ferns | A |
Siberian Bugloss View photo of Siberian Bugloss | Bruneria macrophylla (Brunnera) | Perennials | A |
Siberian Squill | Scilla siberica | Bulbs | A |
Silver Mound View photo of Silver Mound | Artemisia sp. | Perennials | A |
Small Globe Thistle | Echinops ritro | Perennials | A |
Snapdragon | Antirrhinum majus | Annuals | A |
Snowdrops | Galanthus nivalis | Bulbs | A |
Snow-on-the-Mountain | Euphorbia marginata | Annuals | A |
Spider Flower View photo of Spider Flower | Cleome sp. | Annuals | A |
Spotted Deadnettle View photo of Spotted Deadnettle | Lamium sp. | Groundcovers | A |
Spurge View photo of Spurge | Euphorbia sp. (except 'Chameleon') | Perennials | A |
Statice View photo of Statice | Limonium latifolium | Perennials | A |
Strawflower | Helichrysum | Annuals | A |
Sweet Alyssum | Lobularia maritima | Annuals | A |
Sweet Box View photo of Sweet Box | Sarcoccoca hookeriana | Shrubs | A |
Sweet Woodruff View photo of Sweet Woodruff | Galium odoratum (Asperula odorata) | Groundcovers | A |
Switch Grass | Panicum virgatum | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Tarragon | Artemisia dracunculus | Perennials | A |
Threadleaf Coreopsis View photo of Threadleaf Coreopsis | Coreopsis verticillata | Perennials | A |
Thyme View photo of Thyme | Thymus sp. | Perennials | A |
Variegated Purple Moor Grass | Molinia caerulea 'Variegata' | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Varigated Oat Grass | Arrhenatherum elatius | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Weeping Love Grass | Eragrostus curvula | Ornamental Grasses | A |
Wild Ginger View photo of Wild Ginger | Asarum canadense | Perennials | A |
Winter Aconite | Eranthus hyemalis | Bulbs | A |
Wood Fern | Dryopteris marginalis | Ferns | A |
Yucca View photo of Yucca | Yucca filimentosa | Perennials | A |
African Lily | Agapanthus sp. | Perennials | B |
Allegheny Serviceberry View photo of Allegheny Serviceberry | Amelanchier laevis | Trees | B |
American Bittersweet | Celastrus scandens | Vines | B |
Anthony Waterer Spirea | Spiraea x bumalda | Shrubs | B |
Armstrong Juniper | Juniperus chinensis 'Armstrongii' | Shrubs | B |
Asparagus | Asparagus officinalis | Perennials | B |
Aster | Aster sp. | Perennials | B |
Astilbe View photo of Astilbe | Astilbe sp. | Perennials | B |
Austrian Pine | Pinus nigra | Trees | B |
Autumn Olive | Elaeagnus umbellatus | Shrubs | B |
Baby's Breath | Gypsophila sp. | Perennials | B |
Bachelor's Buttons | Centaurea cyanus | Annuals | B |
Bamboo | Bambusa sp. | Ornamental Grasses | B |
Basil | Ocimum basilicum | Annuals | B |
Bearberry Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster dammeri | Shrubs | B |
Beautyberry View photo of Beautyberry | Callicarpa sp. | Shrubs | B |
Beautybush | Kolkwitzia amabilis | Shrubs | B |
Beebalm View photo of Beebalm | Monarda didyma | Perennials | B |
Black-Eyed Susan View photo of Black-Eyed Susan | Rudbeckia sp. | Perennials | B |
Blackhaw Viburnum | Viburnum prunifolium | Shrubs | B |
Blazing Star View photo of Blazing Star | Liatris sp. | Perennials | B |
Blue Star Juniper | Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star' | Shrubs | B |
Blueberry Elder, Sweet Elder | Sambucus canadensis | Shrubs | B |
Bog Rosemary | Andromeda polifolia | Shrubs | B |
Borage View photo of Borage | Borage officinalis | Annuals | B |
Bottlebrush Grass | Hystrix patula | Ornamental Grasses | B |
Brambles | Rubus sp. | Shrubs | B |
Bridalwreath Spirea | Spiraea prunifolia | Shrubs | B |
Buckthorn | Rhammus sp. | Shrubs | B |
Bugloss | Anchusa sp. | Perennials | B |
Butterfly Weed | Asclepias tuberosa | Perennials | B |
California Poppy View photo of California Poppy | Eschscholzia californica | Annuals | B |
California Sweetshrub | Calycanthus occidentalis | Shrubs | B |
Calla Lily | Zantedeschia sp. | Bulbs | B |
Camassia | Camassia leichtlini | Bulbs | B |
Candytuft | Iberis sempervirens | Perennials | B |
Candytuft | Iberis umbellata | Annuals | B |
Canna Lily View photo of Canna Lily | Canna sp. | Bulbs | B |
Cardinal Flower View photo of Cardinal Flower | Lobelia sp. | Perennials | B |
Carnation, Pinks | Dianthus sp. | Perennials | B |
Carolina Silverbell | Halesia carolina | Shrubs | B |
Cherry Laurel | Prunus laurocerasus | Shrubs | B |
Chinese Fringe Tree | Chionanthus retusus | Trees | B |
Chinese Holly | Ilex cornuta | Shrubs | B |
Chinese Juniper (1) | Juniperus chinensis cv. | Shrubs | B |
Chinese Paper Birch | Betula albo-sinensis | Trees | B |
Coast Leucothoe | Leucothoe axillaris | Shrubs | B |
Cock's Comb | Celosia sp. | Annuals | B |
Colorado Blue Spruce | Picea pungens | Trees | B |
Columbine View photo of Columbine | Aquilegia sp. | Perennials | B |
Common Flowering Quince | Chaenomeles speciosa | Trees | B |
Common Lilac | Syringa vulgaris | Shrubs | B |
Common Sassafras | Sassafras albidurn | Trees | B |
Common Sweetshrub | Calycanthus floridus | Shrubs | B |
Common Witchhazel | Hamamelis virginiana | Shrubs | B |
Common Yarrow View photo of Common Yarrow | Achillea millefolium | Perennials | B |
Coralbells View photo of Coralbells | Heuchera sp. | Perennials | B |
Coralberry | Symphoricarpos x chenaultii | Shrubs | B |
Corkscrew Willow | Salix matsudana tortuosa | Trees | B |
Cranberry Bush View photo of Cranberry Bush | Viburnum opulus | Shrubs | B |
Cranberry Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster apiculatus | Shrubs | B |
Crape Myrtle View photo of Crape Myrtle | Lagerstroemia indica | Shrubs | B |
Creeping Juniper (1) | Juniperus horizontalis cv. | Shrubs | B |
Creeping Wintergreen | Gaultheria procumbens | Groundcovers | B |
Crocosmia View photo of Crocosmia | Croscosmia sp. | Perennials | B |
Crocus | Crocus sp. | Bulbs | B |
Currant | Ribes sp. | Shrubs | B |
Cyclamen | Cyclamen sp. | Perennials | B |
Dawn Redwood | Metasequoia glyptostroboides | Trees | B |
Delphinium | Delphinium sp. | Perennials | B |
Deutzia View photo of Deutzia | Deutzia sp. | Shrubs | B |
Dill | Anethumus graveolens | Annuals | B |
Doublefile Viburnum View photo of Doublefile Viburnum | Viburnum plicatum tomentosurn | Shrubs | B |
Douglas Fir | Pseudotsuga menziesii | Trees | B |
Downy Serviceberry | Amelanchier arborea | Trees | B |
Dragon Lady, San Jose Holly | Ilex x aquipernyi | Trees | B |
Drooping Sedge | Carex pendula | Ornamental Grasses | B |
Dwarf Balsam Fir | Abies balsamea | Shrubs | B |
Dwarf Mondo Grass | Ophiopogon japonicus | Ornamental Grasses | B |
Eastern Red Cedar View photo of Eastern Red Cedar | Juniperus virginiana | Trees | B |
Eastern White Pine | Pinus strobus | Trees | B |
Elephant Ear View photo of Elephant Ear | Colocasia esculenta | Bulbs | B |
English Hawthorn | Crataegus laevigata | Trees | B |
English Holly View photo of English Holly | Ilex aquifolium | Shrubs | B |
European Ash | Fraxinus excelsior | Trees | B |
European Beech | Fagus sylvatica | Trees | B |
European White Birch | Betula pendula | Trees | B |
Feverfew View photo of Feverfew | Chrysanthemum parthenium | Perennials | B |
Firethorn | Pyracantha coccinea | Shrubs | B |
Foam Flower View photo of Foam Flower | Tiarella cordifolia | Perennials | B |
Forget-Me-Not | Myosotis alpestris | Biennials | B |
Forsythia View photo of Forsythia | Forsythia x intermedia | Shrubs | B |
Fothergillia | Fothergila sp. | Shrubs | B |
French Marigold View photo of French Marigold | Tagetes patula | Annuals | B |
Gas Plant View photo of Gas Plant | Dictamus alba | Perennials | B |
Gladiolus | Gladiolus sp. | Bulbs | B |
Glory Lily | Gloriosa superba | Bulbs | B |
Glossy Abelia | Abelia sp. | Shrubs | B |
Goldenrain Tree View photo of Goldenrain Tree | Koelreuteria paniculata | Trees | B |
Goldenrod View photo of Goldenrod | Solidago sp. | Perennials | B |
Goldust Plant View photo of Goldust Plant | Aucuba japonica | Shrubs | B |
Grape Hyacinth | Muscari sp. | Bulbs | B |
Green Ash | Fraximus pennsylvanica | Trees | B |
Hardy Geranium | Geranium macrorrhizum | Perennials | B |
Harlequin Glorybower | Clerodendrum fargesii | Shrubs | B |
Hazelnut | Corylus sp. | Shrubs | B |
Heartleaf Bergenia View photo of Heartleaf Bergenia | Bergenia sp. | Perennials | B |
Hens and Chickens View photo of Hens and Chickens | Sempervivum sp. | Perennials | B |
Himalayan Birch | Betula jacquemontii | Trees | B |
Holly Osmanthus | Osmanthus heterophyllus | Shrubs | B |
Honey Locust View photo of Honey Locust | Gleditsia triacanthos | Trees | B |
Hyacinth | Hyacinthus sp. | Bulbs | B |
Inkberry | Ilex glabra | Shrubs | B |
Jacob's Ladder | Polemonium caeruleum | Perennials | B |
Japanese Anemone | Anemone x hybrida | Perennials | B |
Japanese Cedar | Cryptomeria japonica | Trees | B |
Japanese Falsecypress View photo of Japanese Falsecypress | Chamaecyparis pisifera | Trees | B |
Japanese Flowering Cherry | Prunus serrulata | Trees | B |
Japanese Flowering Quince | Chaenomeles japonica | Shrubs | B |
Japanese Garden Juniper | Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' | Shrubs | B |
Japanese Kerria | Kerria japonica | Shrubs | B |
Japanese Maple View photo of Japanese Maple | Acer palmatum | Trees | B |
Japanese Red Pine | Pinus densiflora | Trees | B |
Japanese Spirea View photo of Japanese Spirea | Spiraea japonica | Shrubs | B |
Japanese Tree Lilac | Syringa reticulata | Shrubs | B |
Judd Viburnum | Viburnum x juddii | Shrubs | B |
Koreanspice Viburnum | Viburnum carlesii | Shrubs | B |
Kousa Dogwood View photo of Kousa Dogwood | Cornus kousa | Trees | B |
Ladys' Mantle View photo of Ladys' Mantle | Alchemilla sp. | Perennials | B |
Lance Coreopsis View photo of Lance Coreopsis | Coreopsis lanceolata | Perennials | B |
Lantana View photo of Lantana | Lantana sp. | Annuals | B |
Large Periwinkle | Vinca major | Groundcovers | B |
Leatherleaf Viburnum | Viburnum rhytidophyllum | Shrubs | B |
Lilyturf | Liriope sp. | Groundcovers | B |
Lobelia | Lobelia sp. | Annuals | B |
Lupine | Lupinus sp. | Perennials | B |
Maltese Cross View photo of Maltese Cross | Lychnis chalcedonica | Perennials | B |
Meadow Sage | Salvia nemorosa | Perennials | B |
Mist Flower | Eupatorium coelestinurn | Perennials | B |
Money Plant View photo of Money Plant | Lunaria annua | Biennials | B |
Mountain Juniper (1) | Juniperus scopulorum cv. | Shrubs | B |
Mugo Pine View photo of Mugo Pine | Pinus mugo | Shrubs | B |
Mullein | Verbascum sp. | Perennials | B |
Nasturtium | Tropaeolum majus | Annuals | B |
Norway Spruce | Picea abies | Trees | B |
Obedient Plant | Physostegia sp. | Perennials | B |
Oriental Poppy | Papaver orientale | Perennials | B |
Paperbark Maple View photo of Paperbark Maple | Acer griseurn | Trees | B |
Parsley | Petroselinum crispum | Annuals | B |
Patrinia | Patrinia scabiosifolia | Perennials | B |
Periwinkle | Vinca minor | Groundcovers | B |
Pfitzer Juniper | Juniperus chinensis 'Pfitzerana' | Shrubs | B |
Pincushin Flower | Scabiosa caucasica | Perennials | B |
Plumbago View photo of Plumbago | Ceratostigma plumbaginoides | Groundcovers | B |
Plume Poppy | Macleaya cordata | Perennials | B |
Primrose | Primula sp. | Perennials | B |
Privet | Ligustrurn sp. | Shrubs | B |
Purple Coneflower View photo of Purple Coneflower | Echinacea purpurea | Perennials | B |
Pyrenees Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster congestus | Shrubs | B |
Red Chokeberry | Aronia arbutifolia | Shrubs | B |
Red Maple | Acer rubrum | Trees | B |
Red Osier Dogwood | Cornus sericea | Shrubs | B |
Red Twigged Dogwood | Cornus alba | Shrubs | B |
Red-Hot Poker View photo of Red-Hot Poker | Kniphofia tritoma | Perennials | B |
Redvein Enkianthus View photo of Redvein Enkianthus | Enkianthus campanulatus | Shrubs | B |
Rhubarb | Rheum rhabarbarum | Perennials | B |
Ribbon Grass | Phalaris arundinaceae | Ornamental Grasses | B |
Rockspray Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster horizontalis | Shrubs | B |
Rose of Sharon View photo of Rose of Sharon | Hibiscus syriacus | Shrubs | B |
Ruby Horsechestnut View photo of Ruby Horsechestnut | Aesculus x carnea | Trees | B |
Rue Anemone | Anemonella thalictroides | Perennials | B |
Salvia | Salvia | Annuals | B |
Saucer Magnolia | Magnolia x soulangiana | Shrubs | B |
Savin/Tam Juniper | Juniperus sabin cv. | Shrubs | B |
Savory | Satureja montana | Perennials | B |
Scotch Pine | Pinus sylvestris | Trees | B |
Sea Buckthorn | Hippophae rhamnoides | Shrubs | B |
Sea Thrift | Armeria maritima | Perennials | B |
Sedge | Scirpus lacustris | Ornamental Grasses | B |
Serbian Spruce | Picea omorika | Trees | B |
Shadbush | Amelanchier canadensis | Trees | B |
Shiso | Perilla frutescens | Annuals | B |
Singleseed Juniper (1) | Juniperus squamata cv. | Shrubs | B |
Skunk Cabbage | Symplocarpos foetidus | Perennials | B |
Smokebush View photo of Smokebush | Cotinus coggygria | Shrubs | B |
Snakeroot, Bugbane View photo of Snakeroot, Bugbane | Cimcifuga sp. | Perennials | B |
Sneezeweed | Helenium autumnale | Perennials | B |
Snowberry | Symphoricarpos albus | Shrubs | B |
Snow-in-Summer View photo of Snow-in-Summer | Cerastium | Perennials | B |
Soapwort View photo of Soapwort | Saponaria sp. | Perennials | B |
Sourwood | Oxydendrum arboreum | Trees | B |
Speedwell View photo of Speedwell | Veronica sp. | Perennials | B |
Spicebush | Lindera benzoin | Shrubs | B |
Spiderwort | Tradescantia sp. | Perennials | B |
St. John's Wort View photo of St. John's Wort | Hypericum calycinum | Perennials | B |
St. John's Wort View photo of St. John's Wort | Hypericum prolificum | Shrubs | B |
Stocks | Matthiola sp. | Annuals | B |
Stokes' Aster | Stokesia laevis | Perennials | B |
Striped Maple | Acer pensylvanicum | Trees | B |
Sugar Maple | Acer saccharum | Trees | B |
Swamp Milkweed View photo of Swamp Milkweed | Asclepias incarnata | Perennials | B |
Sweet Mock Orange View photo of Sweet Mock Orange | Philadelphus coronarius | Shrubs | B |
Sweet Pepperbush View photo of Sweet Pepperbush | Clethra sp. | Shrubs | B |
Sweet William | Dianthus barbatus | Biennials | B |
Toad Lily View photo of Toad Lily | Tricyrtis hirta | Perennials | B |
Trillium | Trillium sp. | Perennials | B |
Trout Lily | Erythronium | Perennials | B |
Tulip Tree | Liriodendron tulipifera | Trees | B |
Verbena | Verbena x hybrida | Annuals | B |
Violets | Viola sp. | Perennials | B |
Virginia Bluebells | Mertensia virginica | Perennials | B |
Virginia Sweetspire | Itea virginica | Shrubs | B |
Wallflower | Cheiranthus sp. | Annuals | B |
Weigela | Weigela florida | Shrubs | B |
White Boltonia | Boltonia asteroides | Perennials | B |
White Snakeroot | Eupatorium rugosum | Perennials | B |
White Spruce | Picea glauca | Trees | B |
Willowleaf Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster salicifolius | Shrubs | B |
Winter Jasmine | Jasminum nudiflorum | Vines | B |
Winterberry Holly View photo of Winterberry Holly | Ilex verticillata | Shrubs | B |
Wisteria | Wisteria floribunda | Vines | B |
Wood Sorrel | Oxalis sp. | Bulbs | B |
Yarrow | Achillea filipendulina | Perennials | B |
Yellow Birch | Betula lutea | Trees | B |
Yellow Foxglove View photo of Yellow Foxglove | Digitalis grandiflora | Perennials | B |
Yellow Wax-Bells | Kirengeshoma palmata | Perennials | B |
Youngstown Andorra Juniper | Juniperus horizontalis 'Youngstown' | Shrubs | B |
Zinnia View photo of Zinnia | Zinnia sp. | Annuals | B |
Alternate-Leaved Dogwood | Cornus alternifolia | Trees | C |
Apples | Malus sp. | Trees | C |
Atlantic White Cedar | Chamaecyparis thyoides | Trees | C |
Atlas Cedar | Cedrus atlantica | Trees | C |
Bald Cypress | Taxodium distichum | Trees | C |
Balloon Flower | Platycodon grandiflorus | Perennials | C |
Balsam Fir | Abies balsamea | Trees | C |
Balsam, Touch-Me-Not | Impatiens balsamina | Annuals | C |
Basswood | Tilia americana | Trees | C |
Bellflower | Campanula glomerata | Perennials | C |
Bigleaf Hydrangea | Hydrangea macrophylla | Shrubs | C |
Black Locust | Robinia pseudoacia | Trees | C |
Blanket Flower View photo of Blanket Flower | Gaillardia sp. | Perennials | C |
Bloodtwig Dogwood | Cornus sanguinea | Shrubs | C |
Blue Holly | Ilex x meserveae | Shrubs | C |
Caladium | Caladium sp. | Bulbs | C |
Callery Pear | Pyrus calleryana | Trees | C |
Canterbury Bells | Campanula medium | Biennials | C |
Carolina Hemlock | Tsuga caroliniana | Trees | C |
Carolina Rhododendron | Rhododendron carolinianum | Shrubs | C |
Catawba Rhododendron | Rhododendron catawbiense | Shrubs | C |
Checkermallow | Sidalcia malviflora | Perennials | C |
Chestnut Oak | Quercus prinus | Trees | C |
Chinese Lilac View photo of Chinese Lilac | Syringa x chinesis | Shrubs | C |
Clematis | Clematis sp. | Vines | C |
Climbing Hydrangea View photo of Climbing Hydrangea | Hydrangea anomala petiolaris | Vines | C |
Coleus View photo of Coleus | Coleus sp. | Annuals | C |
Comfrey | Symphytum officinale | Perennials | C |
Common Horsechestnut | Aesculus hippocastanum | Trees | C |
Common Pear | Pyrus communis | Trees | C |
Cornelian Cherry | Cornus mas | Trees | C |
Cosmos | Cosmos sp. | Annuals | C |
Dahlia | Dahlia sp. | Annuals | C |
Daylily | Hemerocallis sp. | Perennials | C |
Deciduous Azaleas (1) | Rhododendron sp. | Shrubs | C |
Eastern Hemlock | Tsuga canadensis | Trees | C |
Eastern Redbud View photo of Eastern Redbud | Cercis canadensis | Trees | C |
English Daisy | Bellis perennis | Perennials | C |
English Ivy View photo of English Ivy | Hedera helix | Groundcovers | C |
English Ivy View photo of English Ivy | Hedera helix | Vines | C |
European Larch | Larix decidua | Trees | C |
Fall Mums | Chrysanthemum | Perennials | C |
Fleabane | Erigeron sp. | Perennials | C |
Flowering Dogwood View photo of Flowering Dogwood | Cornus florida | Trees | C |
Fragrant Winterhazel | Corylopsis glabrescens | Shrubs | C |
Fraser Fir | Abies fraseri | Trees | C |
Garden Lily | Lilium sp. | Bulbs | C |
Garden Petunia View photo of Garden Petunia | Petunia sp. | Annuals | C |
Geranium View photo of Geranium | Pelargonium sp. | Annuals | C |
Gerbera Daisy | Gerbera jamesonii | Annuals | C |
Geum, Avens | Geum sp. | Perennials | C |
Globeflower | Trollius sp. | Perennials | C |
Goat's Beard | Aruncus sp. | Perennials | C |
Goldflame Honeysuckle View photo of Goldflame Honeysuckle | Lonicera x heckrottii | Vines | C |
Gooseneck Loosestrife | Lysimachia clethroides | Perennials | C |
Greenspire Littleleaf Linden | Tilia cordata 'Greenspire' | Trees | C |
Hardy Begonia View photo of Hardy Begonia | Begonia grandis | Perennials | C |
Hardy Geranium | Geranium clarkei | Perennials | C |
Hardy Geranium | Geranium sanguineum | Perennials | C |
Hardy Geranium | Geranium x cantabrigiense | Perennials | C |
Heavenly Bamboo View photo of Heavenly Bamboo | Nandina sp. | Shrubs | C |
Highbush Blueberry | Vaccinum corymbosum | Shrubs | C |
Hinoki Cypress | Chamaecyparis obtusa | Trees | C |
Hollyhock | Alcea sp. | Perennials | C |
Hybrid Tea Rose | Rosa x hybrid | Shrubs | C |
Impatiens View photo of Impatiens | Impatiens walleriana | Annuals | C |
Japanese Euonymus | Euonymus japonica | Shrubs | C |
Japanese Holly View photo of Japanese Holly | Ilex crenata | Shrubs | C |
Late Lilac | Syringa villosa | Shrubs | C |
Leyland Cypress | Cupressocyparis leyandii | Trees | C |
Meadowsweet | Filipendula sp. | Perennials | C |
Morning Glory | Ipomea sp. | Annuals | C |
Mountain Bluet | Centaurea montana | Perennials | C |
Mountain Laurel View photo of Mountain Laurel | Kalmia latifolia | Shrubs | C |
Multiflora Rose | Rosa multiflora | Shrubs | C |
Nellie Stevens Holly | Ilex x 'Nellie R. Stevens' | Trees | C |
Northern Red Oak | Quercus rubra | Trees | C |
Norway Maple | Acer platanoides | Trees | C |
Oakleaf Hydrangea View photo of Oakleaf Hydrangea | Hydrangea quercifolia | Shrubs | C |
Panicle Hydrangea | Hydrangea paniculata | Shrubs | C |
Panicled Dogwood | Cornus racemosa | Shrubs | C |
Pansy | Viola sp. | Annuals | C |
Penstemon View photo of Penstemon | Penstemon sp. | Perennials | C |
Pernyi Holly | Ilex pernyi | Trees | C |
Persian Lilac | Syringa x persica | Shrubs | C |
Phlox View photo of Phlox | Phlox sp. | Perennials | C |
Pink Turtlehead | Chelone sp. | Perennials | C |
Purple Leaf Sand Cherry | Prunus x cistena | Shrubs | C |
Purple Loosestrife | Lythrum sp. | Perennials | C |
Rose Mallow | Hibiscus moscheutos | Perennials | C |
Rosebay Rhododendron | Rhododendron maximum | Shrubs | C |
Rugosa Rose | Rosa rugosa | Shrubs | C |
Shasta Daisy | Chrysanthemum superbum | Perennials | C |
Shasta Daisy | Leucanthemum maximum | Perennials | C |
Shore Juniper | Juniperus conferta | Shrubs | C |
Showy Sedum | Sedum spectabile | Perennials | C |
Silver Maple | Acer saccharinum | Trees | C |
Smooth Hydrangea View photo of Smooth Hydrangea | Hydrangea arborescens | Shrubs | C |
Solomon's Seal View photo of Solomon's Seal | Polygonatum sp. | Perennials | C |
Spurge | Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' | Perennials | C |
Staghorn Sumac View photo of Staghorn Sumac | Rhus typhina | Trees | C |
Sundrops | Oenethera sp. | Perennials | C |
Sunflower | Helianthus sp. | Annuals | C |
Sweet Cherry | Prunus avium | Trees | C |
Sweetgum | Liquidambar styraciflua | Trees | C |
Trumpet Creeper View photo of Trumpet Creeper | Campsis radicans | Vines | C |
Virginia Creeper | Parthenocissus quinquifolia | Vines | C |
Wax Begonia | Begonia semperflorens | Annuals | C |
Western Arborvitae | Thuja plicata | Trees | C |
White Fir | Abies concolor | Trees | C |
White Fringe Tree | Chionanthus virginicus | Trees | C |
White Oak | Quercus alba | Trees | C |
Willows (1) | Salix sp. | Trees | C |
Winged Euonymus | Euonymus alata | Shrubs | C |
Wintercreeper | Euonymus fortunei | Groundcovers | C |
American Arborvitae | Thuja occidentalis | Trees | D |
Candy Lily | Pardancanda x norrisii | Perennials | D |
Cherries (1) | Prunus sp. | Trees | D |
European Mountain Ash | Sorbus aucuparia | Trees | D |
Evergreen Azaleas (1) | Rhododendron sp. | Shrubs | D |
Hardy Geranium | Geranium endressii | Perennials | D |
Hosta View photo of Hosta | Hosta sp. | Perennials | D |
Pinxterbloom Azalea | Rhododendron penclymenoides | Shrubs | D |
Plums | Prunus sp. | Trees | D |
Rhododendrons (1) | Rhododendron sp. | Shrubs | D |
Sea-Holly View photo of Sea-Holly | Eryngium sp. | Perennials | D |
Strawberry | Fragraria sp. | Perennials | D |
Tulip | Tulip sp. | Bulbs | D |
Wintercreeper | Euonymus fortunei | Shrubs | D |
Wintercreeper | Euonymus fortunei | Vines | D |
Yews | Taxus sp. | Shrubs | D |
1 Check other rating categories to find additional species or cultivars of this genus.
2 May eat buds.
Content: Pete Nitzsche, Pedro Perdomo, and David Drake
Photos: Pete Nitzsche
Database Design: Kathy Robinson and Phil Wisneski
Website Design: Phil Wisneski
Special thanks to our cooperators on this project: Helen Heinrich, Certified Landscape Architect; James Messina, Certified Landscape Architect, Landscape Plus; Valerie Sudal, Garden Writer, The Newark Star-Ledger; and numerous landscapers, Master Gardeners, and nurserymen who provided ratings.