Sunday, January 16, 2011
- Health: Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health…and wealth!
- Wealth: When setting financial goals, make them specific and measurable with a date and a dollar amount (e.g., “save $50 per week in 401(k) plan” and “save $10,000 for a new car in five years”).
Monday, January 17, 2011
- Health: Average Americans consume less than 2 cups of fruits and vegetables per day. It should be 4-5 cups. Plan to include fruits and veggies in all of your daily meals and snacks.
- Wealth: Keep track of your credit card spending. Keep a running tally of all your purchases so you know when you’re close to the maximum amount that you can comfortably afford to repay next month.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
- Health: Healthy food won’t help you if it goes to waste. Plan to serve leftovers soon or freeze them.
- Wealth: Got holiday gift cards? You have 5 years to use them without penalty…unless a retailer folds.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
- Health: Now is a great time to eat the produce that you froze last summer (e.g., tasty and nutritious blueberries and strawberries from local farm stands)`
- Wealth: The oldest baby boomers born in 1946 are turning 65 this year (one every eight seconds) and are now eligible for Medicare. For additional information, see
Thursday, January 20, 2011
- Health: Try some pumpkin soup or pumpkin bread on a cold winter’s night. Pumpkins are an excellent source of Vitamin A, low in fat, and high in potassium.
- Wealth: Staying home this weekend? See where you stand financially by calculating your net worth (assets minus debts). Use this worksheet (PDF).
Friday, January 21, 2011
- Health: Eat whole grains to get fiber in your diet and feel full with healthy food instead of empty calories.
- Wealth: How much will your savings grow to? Check out this helpful calculator.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
- Health: Get moving, get healthy, feel better! Even moderate exercise can kick start "feel good brain chemical neurotransmitters."
- Wealth: Are you ready for retirement? Check out this helpful Retirement Readiness Financial Checklist from U.S. News & World Report.