- Preventing Heat Stress in Agriculture (Rutgers NJAES Fact Sheet FS747, updated and published May 2024)
- Weekly "Beat the Heat" articles posted to the Rutgers Plant and Pest Advisory e-Newsletter
- Prevent Heat Illness at Work Poster (from OSHA) - available in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF)
- Heat Illness: Prevent Heat Illness at Work Brochure (from OSHA) - available in 21 languages
- Heat Illness Prevention Website (from OSHA) - a clearinghouse for information and resources on occupational heat stress mitigation
National Weather Service Tools - see dropdown menu for various predictive displays, including:
- Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (°F)
- HeatRisk Experimental
- Heat Safety Tool Phone App (from NIOSH/OSHA) - available for iPhone and Android in English and Spanish